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"Why shouldn't you be near them?"

"Nightmare, you seem to be a rather forgetful skeleton."

Ira watched as Nightmare picked Dream up with his tentacles before walking over to them.
"Well mind if we went by my place real quick? I really am going to need to drop off these supplies I gathered." They gestured towards the basket they were holding the whole time.

"Do you not have an- Never mind. Sure." He's going to have to give up on questioning that. Since apparently teleporting is something outrageous, of course having an inventory is also going to be the same.
It's as if... never mind.

Ira clasped together their top pair of hands.
"Wonderful! It shouldn't be too far out from this forest, and I actually think the path to the doctors would be in the same direction anyways." 'Let's just be quick.' Nightmare thought as he nodded in response to Ira.

Ira began walking, Nightmare following after while carrying Dream. They were both silent in a way that Nightmare couldn't tell if it was awkward or not. He eventually decided that it was but just from looking at Ira... he didn't think that they felt the same as he did. Fortunately, said skeleton decided to speak, disrupting the silence.

"So why were you two in the forest?"
"Kind of a long story but basically something had happened and we just woke up there. Or well, only I woke up." Although he would've preferred if they both had woke up. It would've made things much easier.

"That leads me into another question—why is your brother in this sort of coma?"

Okay now how does he explain this? 'Oh actually we're both guardians and the multiverse was falling apart, causing him to feel basically almost no positivity; he fainted and just never got up because of it.' He's not sure that'll work after the whole teleport incident some time ago.

"He's just sick. He can't wake back up because of how weak he is to." 'Congratulations Nightmare, you did it.'

Ira seemed to accept the answer, only nodding in return as the two of them continued to walk. This whole thing is odd. First, the void doesn't actually lead to never ending torture of being pulled apart. It actually lead to a whole new multiverse. It makes him wonder if his whole former multiverse has either ended up in this one, in separate ones, or he and some others were lucky enough to get travelled to another multiverse.

Second, despite being in this new multiverse, Dream still hasn't woken up. 'Just what is going on with him?' Nightmare thought as he glanced at Dream's unconscious form. 'There should be a lot more positivity here for him to absorb. Unless this multiverse is deprived of positivity?'

"Soo... Do you like being around here?" He wasn't really sure how to bring up questions about the environment around them.

"Well of course! I consider this area quite nice besides some of the plants, who get cranky."

Nightmare stared at Ira 'Cranky? Don't treat them like kids, one of them was definitely planning to murder anyone who came across it.' He thought before looking away.
"Right. I did come across one like that. So you live here in the forest?"

"Oh no no. There is a city not far from that forest. The outer layers of the city are less developed and dense, and much closer to the forest. There is where I live, but the inner city is where the healers reside." Ira happily explained as the two skeletons crossed over a small, old stone bridge that was above a stream.

"Are there any other cities around here?"

"Well it'll take a while to get to the other cities unless you have magic or companions that can help. Teleporting and portals are for beings with higher power. Don't be near those beings if you ever see them. However I'm rather fascinated by them myself!"

'So that's why they reacted like that when I mentioned teleporting..'
"Why shouldn't you be near them?"

"Nightmare, you seem to be a rather forgetful skeleton."

That was all Ira said. From what Nightmare could feel from their emotions, there was nothing negative, not even suspicion.

That was when he realized, he felt nothing at all. Not even with the positivity Ira earlier showed (something quite obviously real), he had felt nothing.


"We should walk faster." Ira suggested.

So they did.

Dream shifted around more in Nightmare's grip.

"Okay well..." Moonlight seemed to be thinking, "how is older me? Where is he?"
"He's doing alright. He is back at.. home."

"Oo! Speaking of that, how did you get here?!" Dreamy asked, jumping up and down.

Dream looked at his younger self. He wasn't sure how he even got here himself. All he remembers is passing out and waking up in this place. Is this just his dreams or did he accidentally come back to the past? Well, at least he doesn't feel sick anymore.
Though he can't even say he feels any positivity in him, so he's not sure how he got better.

He feels strangely empty now that he thought about it.

"Well, I fell asleep and woke up here."

"Wow! So does that mean when I grow up, I get to visit people in my dreams?"
"Wouldn't that mean we're asleep right now..?"

"Don't think about it too much." He forced a smile.

Moonlight was still wary of Dream, but less so than earlier.
"Okay.. how old are you?" The question was oddly simple.

"506 years old."

"You don't look that old though..."
"I'll assume that's a compliment."

Dreamy hummed, looking up at Dream.
"Okay well... How much friends do you have? Do you have a lot?!" He smiled.

He doesn't consider anyone a friend, just acquaintances, but for the sake of his younger self's happiness (does he really care about it that much?), he would consider them friends this time.
"Yes, an abundance of them. You'll be very happy." He turned to Moonlight "You too, you will like hanging out with your group."

Though Dream only ever sees Nightmare's group fighting with him. On rare occasions he sees them messing with each other before noticing the Star Sanses were there with them. He supposes that's enough evidence.

The two younger siblings smiled.
Another forced smile came from Dream, though it felt slightly easier to.

"Let's play a game!" Dreamy brought up after the small moment of silence. "What game can you play with three people?"
"Hide and seek maybe..?" Nightmare suggested.
"Sure!" Dreamy agreed to it.
The smile on Dream's face quickly settled to a neutral expression.

"I'll seek." He said before turning around and beginning to count.

Dreamy giggled before running off with Moonlight.

I wanted to make this chapter longer but oh well, you all can have this for now!
Also sorry I haven't posted in so long, I don't really have much excuses for it.

@Kayceewho @Stargazer1246 @TheAkashicRecords @Axolotl_Sans
Thanks for asking questions! Axolotl_Sans I will be saving one of your questions for next time (:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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