Chp 41

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The second task approaches. I believe Harry does know what it is slightly. The egg told him that something precious will be stolen and he must retrieve it. Something like that.

I'm walking with the trio when professor McGonnagal comes up to us.

"Lexi, Hermione can you come with me," she asks.

We turn to the boys before agreeing to leave.

She takes us to her office. I look at Hermione to see if she knows what's going on. She looks over and gives me a shrug.

"I'm terribly sorry girls," she says, "stupify!"

It takes a second before it all goes black.
I wake up wet and cold. Harry had one arm around me and another around a younger girl in a beauxbaton dress. We were in a lake and I saw us approaching docks full of people. Harry helps the beauxbaton girl up and then he pushes me up.

People hand me a towel and wrap it around me. I see Hermione sitting near bye. I move over to her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The second task. They took people from the champions lives that they care about," she said.

"Who's were you," I ask.

"Viktor," she says.

"Does that makes me Harry's," I ask.

Hermione nods her head.

"I thought it would be Ron honestly," I say.

Harry comes up next to me and her.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

We both nod. Harry sits next to me.

"Potter," I hear a familiar voice say.

The three of us turn to see the blonde behind us.

"You couldn't just save your person. The little girl wouldn't have died. Some people are more important than others," he huffs looking in my direction.

"Shove off malfoy," Harry snears.

I shake my head in Malfoy's direction. His eyebrows furrow. I take my hand and shoo him off. He begins to leave but first he bends down.

" you know you liked that," he whispers in my ear.

I laugh and he leaves. Harry looks at me confused. I shake my showing him not to ask.
The next day in potions we are looking at the daily prophet. It's talking about how Hermione has made both Harry and Krum fall in love with her. She looks ready to cry.

After class Harry goes off for a second. He says he needs to think. I walk with Hermione trying to comfort her. She's gone to crying slightly. Ron is next to us looking uncomfortable.

"Come on we have a hogsmeade trip to look forward to," I tell her.

She nods and goes to her dorm for a while.
Draco and I stay behind this hodsmeade trip. He's going to take a day to tutor me for potions.

"Ok what potion do these ingredients make?" He asks listing off items.

"Uh, polyjuice," I say unsure of my answer.

"Yah, now next time try and sound more confident," he teases.

The next 20 minutes are similar to that. When I get the question right he gives me a quick kiss and when I get it wrong he flicks me in the forehead. It's a good system mostly. Afterwards I help him with his charms homework. That's the one subject he can't ace. I use the same reward system he does.
The next morning at breakfast Hermione gets tons of mail all criticizing her for "breaking Harry's heart."

"Rita is off her rocker," Ron says.

Hermione looks at her endless amount of mail. She lets out a groan.

"It's ok, Hermione," I tell her.

"We need to leave it we'll be late for class," Harry says.

We collect up Hermione's letters and leave.

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