Before I met you guys
I saw the world in black in white,
I was so used to the darkness
I didn't want to see anything else,
When I saw you guys I thought you were only temporary,
But when you smiled at me,
Made me feel loved and appreciated,
I knew you guys were forever,
My forever,
Black and white might still cover my vision
But when we hang out,
Make memory after memory,
All I see is color,
I now see life completely different than how I used to..
I see a reason to keep going,
To keep being excited,
For there are new adventures everyday,
You brought color back to my life,
I am forever grateful to call you guys my friends.
Locked Thoughts
PuisiWords can be confusing and sometimes art can be confusing, but that doesn't stop it from being intriguing and beautiful. So no matter how you express your emotions or mind you are a work of art <3