Chapter 1: Pokémon, I didn't Choose You!

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Mallory's anticipation for the morning prevented his ability to sleep. He lied awake staring at the ceiling, just thinking that if he was early enough to Professor Oak's lab, then he would have a Charmander.

Mallory imagined the fire Pokémon, evolving into a Charmeleon, and finally a Charizard.

Mallory knew he wouldn't be able to qualify for the upcoming Pokémon league, as it was a mere month away, but next year? It was certain, Mallory would qualify for next year's Pokémon league.

As Mallory drifted off to sleep, his dreams were full of fun activities that he could do with his Charmander.


Mallory's Charizard-themed alarm clock went off, its tail wagging from behind the mechanism, and its roar was now echoing through the room. It was 6:00AM, and Professor Oak wouldn't open his lab until 7:00.

Mallory immediately shot up, fairly tired. He grabbed his blue-black-styled shirt and some brown pants before entering his en-suite bathroom and taking a shower.

Mallory came out dressed and refreshed. "Mom, mom I'm leaving now!" Mallory shouted into the house

2 arms hugged him from behind, making him jump. His mother was behind him. "Goodbye Mallory, don't forget to call me when you get to Pallet Town ok? And every stop on the way!"

"Yes mom"

"And have you got your toothbrush?"

"Yes mom"

"And toothpaste?"

"Yes, mom!"

"And your allowance you've been saving since you were 4?"

"Mom! I'm 10 years old now, I can look after myself!"

"Oh I know dear, but I just had to know you'd be safe out there honey"

"Goodbye mom" Mallory smiled

"Goodbye Mallory" his mother replied

They hugged before Mallory left the house and clambered onto his bike. He began his journey from Derretta Town to Pallet Town, by bike.


Mallory arrived in Pallet Town at just 6:52AM, he had 8 minutes to get to Professor Oak's lab before it opened. Mallory began peddling to a large white dome on the side of town, that had to have something to do with the lab, right?

He came across a moderate-sized, pale white building and instantly recognised it from the photograph he'd seen, he was at Professor Oaks' lab.

The only issue being, it was now 7:04AM. Professor Oak opened the door of his lab and out stepped a short boy with blonde-brown hair. He wore an orange-black shirt in the same style as Mallory, and the same black pants.

Mallory recognised this boy, Gunther Strooten, the boy who bought all the remaining orange-black-styled shirts, the boy who also loved Charmander, and now the boy he knew had gotten Charmander before him.

"Ahh, Mallory, it's nice to finally meet you!" Professor Oak greeted. Mallory noticed he'd been staring at Gunther with hate in his eyes. "Are you ready to choose your Pokémon?"

Mallory looked up at Professor Oak and gave him a small nod. He entered Professor Oak's lab. "Is Charmander still here?" He asked

"I'm afraid Charmander was taken by another trainer" Mallory turned to see a poster on the back wall. Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur were depicted.

Squirtle was using a powerful Water Gun, and Bulbasaur used a not-so-powerful Vine Whip. It was then that Mallory made his decision. "I'll take Squirtle" he said

Professor Oak handed Mallory some Pokéballs and a Pokédex before saying "Great choice, I'm sure Squirtle and you will make a great team!" Professor Oak released Squirtle from his Pokéball "if you can catch him"

"Squirtle? Squirtle Squirt?"

"Pokéball, I choose you!" Mallory launched a Pokéball at Squirtle, who shot it back with a Water Gun. Mallory grabbed it from the air and threw it back. Squirtle didn't expect this and got hit by the Pokéball.

Squirtle was sucked into the ball by a beam of light, and the Pokéball fell to the floor and began to shake. The Pokéball halted and Mallory had now caught Squirtle.

"Great catch Mallory" Professor Oak commented. Mallory picked up the Pokéball, he finally had a Pokémon of his own. "Now remember, if you ever need more Pokéballs, you can get them at any Pokémon Center, and you can only have 6 at a time, so if you ever need to change them then you can do so at a Pokémon Center, or press the leftmost white button in your Pokédex"

Mallory nodded, before remembering he had forgotten to call his mom! "Hey, could I use your phone real quick?" Mallory asked

"Of course, it's just through that door" Professor Oak pointed to the closest door on the right. Mallory walked into the room and was greeted by a small office. On the desk was a video phone, and past there was a lot of Pokéballs.

Mallory plugged his mom's phone number into the machine, and it was a matter of seconds before his mother picked up the phone.

"Mallory! Oh, thank goodness you're safe! You were supposed to call half an hour ago! Where were you?"

"I was getting a Pokémon mom!" Mallory said as he released his Squirtle.

"Squirtle, Squirtle Squirt!" It announced, climbing onto Mallory's back.

"Well, you 2 stay safe!" His mother warned, before hanging up the phone.


Professor Oak agreed to let Mallory leave his Bicycle at the lab, so Mallory and Squirtle left the lab and began heading to Viridian city. As they entered the woods they heard something running towards them.

It was a petite girl with light blue hair who was dressed in what seemed to be a school uniform. A white blouse, simplistic skirt and short black stockings. She donned a red bow on her neck.

She looked Mallory in the eye and shouted "Help me!" Before she ran and hid behind him. Mallory was confused but was ready to put his Squirtle to good use. He knew that Squirtle could use Water Gun and Bubble Beam. Hopefully that would be enough to defeat whatever was coming after this poor girl.

(Significant parts)Mallory's Pokémon Journeys 1: Indigo League Where stories live. Discover now