Chapter 5: Showdown in Pewter City?

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"Here it is, Pewter City" Mallory mused, stealing a look at the gym before turning his glance back to the forest

"Hey, why don't we get some food at the Pokémon Center before you head back?" Bashita asked

"I don't know, it's quite a long way back..."

"You know it's free right? Tastes better when it's free" Mallory fought with the idea of going for one last meal, and eventually caved into Bashita's request.

"Fine, but then I'm headed right back to the forest! And I may as well heal my Pokémon in the Center anyways"

As the two entered, Mallory heard a recognisable voice from inside. "Could you heal my Pokémon please?"

"Of course" replied Nurse Joy "Just put your Pokéballs into this tray"

At the counter stood a boy with messy blonde hair who wore a white shirt, which mysteriously had the word THREE written on it, 3 times, one under the other, backwards.

Round his neck was a necklace with a minute whistle on it, and on his back was a blue cape, well in reality it was a silk blanket, but his bag was full and he didn't want to carry it around.

He wore ripped, black jeans and blue trainers, that were 2 sizes too large, because the boy was insecure about his freakishly small feet.

"Hey, Errol!" Mallory greeted the boy, Errol, who turned around, surprised to see him there.

"Oh, Mallory. I'd never have guessed you'd make it to Pewter City within a week, let alone 2 days"

"Hey! I'm not that slow!"

"Yes, but you are a master at getting lost"

"I am not..."

"Hey, Mallory!" Bashita interrupted "What's this whole Regional Championship thing?" Bashita knew perfectly well that it was referring to the Pokémon League, but maybe whilst he was still competitive, Mallory would gain back his ambition.

"That's the Pokémon League, the one I'm going to compete in! Or I was..."

"¥1000 says you can't beat the first gym" Errol chimed in

Mallory turned back to Errol "You're on!"


After giving Nurse Joy his Pokémon to heal, Mallory and his friends went to eat in the Cafeteria.

"So, what's with your shirt?" Bashita asked

"What do you mean?" Errol asked "What's wrong with my shirt?"

"Why is the text backwards?"

"Oh, well I'm afraid I can't just tell you"


"He says it'll give us too much power" Mallory informed

"It will, even I get convinced to abuse the abilities the number gives me" Errol replied "But I must hold back"

(Significant parts)Mallory's Pokémon Journeys 1: Indigo League Where stories live. Discover now