..What i do to study..

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Heyy guys im back again so hello.In this chapter i'll be talking about what i do to study especially since i have the states test tommorow and im guessing most of you will have one soon so i hope that what indo can help you guys and yes.
Also if you havent read my other book yet go check it out please! Ok now back to life

| MATH |

-First thing i do is take all the notes and sheets of classwork of things that cover my test.
(Which in this case for me is everything)

-then i take a highlighter and a pencil and a sheet of paper and throughout each topic i cover from the subject i write down important things you always have to do . And then i use my laptop to workout some questions of the topic to see if i understand

-if i dont understand i keep working on it until i get the hang of it.

-if i completley understand the topic i highlight the name of my topic on my sheet of paper and move on.

~the reason i dont listen to music while studying is because sometime i get really distracted singing the song instead of studying for my test.


(Then i just click onto my grade to choose a problem to work from)

- i do take snacks while im studying because i mean i get tired and need something important to work ok .FOOD.

-when im studying i turn of my phone or turn off my notifications because this does get me distracted if im texting friends or somebody's calling me.
(Before anything my parents know im studyin so they dont bother to call unless its an emergency)

-i normally choose to study in my guests room because we have a desk there and its normally quiet there.


There we go that how i study for math tests especially if its the states test.
I hope my studying tips and you know all that can help you guys if youre going through tests and all that stuff and yeah byeee :)



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