Diy watermelon strawberry juice

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Take your watermelon and slice it up into small cubes.Then mash them up and once you do that the juice will start to extract from it so make sure you seperate the juice from the chunks of watermelon and make sure to have 1/2 cup of watermelon juice.

Now take a couple of strawberries.(i didnt count, mine were so small) and mash those up to extract the juice from them and seperate the chunks and juice from each other.check to have 1/3 cup of strawberry juice.

Now add both extracted juices and a cup of water together in a cup or jar (with a lid) and shake them together.
Now add ice or put it inside the Fridge for a few hours and enjoy :)
You can slice up strawberries and add chunks of watermelon into the juice once your done.

Agh funny story actually i woke up this morning and felt a bit creative with all the fruits that were surrounding me so i chose strawberries and watermelon and just came up with it since my non-sociallife told me to :/
Comment if your social life is as dry as mine ;D
Anyways sorry for anymispelling if you find any
And sorry if i havent updated ive been sick the last couple weeks :( yet i still am and im going to the beach this week for vacations lucky me for getting sick in summer ok bye


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