A Bad M****r

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"So, when is the wedding" Ae asked as they were all figuring out a way to stop this wedding and how long they have until they have to go through with their plan

"We haven't decided, but we are hoping by the end of this year"

It was the beginning of May, so about seven months

"Wow, that is fast, even for you" Mark didn't really care

He looked at his mother with so much hatred inhis eyes, but he had managed to stay calm

"Well, true love never wait" Siro was so in her own wold, and didn't care about her sons' face

"True love my ass" Mark rolled his eyes

Siro definately did care about that. Her facial expression changed into an angry person

She looked at Mark with fire shooting out of her eyes and walked up to him "Don't be such an asshole" she slapped him as hard she she could

All siblings looked at their mother with hatred even more. They were all ready to defend their brother any means necessary. North was about to give Ram a signal to burn the house down, but Del and Team came back and they saw everybody looking shocked

"What happened" Team saw Mark whose face was red

"She just slapped Mark" Ram, unlike their mother, wasn't one to keep one questioning in their mind

Del was not even shocked, but she was so sad for her brother. She knew her mother couldn't keep her promise to be sane and not be violent towards them

Mark's face was so red, and his eyes were filled with tears

"We are leaving" Del gently pushed Mark to walk out

"What" Siro

"We are leaving- I only agreed to come here if you could promise there wasn't any violence" Del wasn't one to fear her mother as she stand in front of her so fearless

"I didn't even tell you guys about the plans yet"

"Well, tell us another day, but for now, we have to leave; we have school tomorrow" Del turned her back to her mother who wasn't too pleased about that

"Get back here" Siro held Del's hand and stopped her

Ram's reflexes wanted to pulled her hand off, but Del stopped him and snatched her hands out of her mother's

"Guys, go wait in the car"

"Del, no, let's go" Ae feared for her safety with Siro alone

"NOW" Del yelled as didn't want her brothers to stay around Siro any longer

The younger siblings looked at Ram's approve and as he nodded his head in agreement, they all made their way outside

"Wow, they just listen to everything you say?" Siro drank the Hennessey from her cup

"Listen here you little witch, whatever it is you want, I will do it, but don't drag them into it" d

Del warned her mother so up close to show that she didn't fear her. They both stared each other down until Siro blinked and bursted out laughing

The desperate need to save her brothers started when she was younger. She wasn't the oldest sibling, yet she was willing to take any pain for them. She doesn't complain when it is too much. She is just glad her brothers are okay. Even though they are not all her full brothers by blood. Ram, Team and Ae are her half brothers. Her full brothers are North and Mark. They all have different fathers

"Wow, you sure have a sharp tongue" Siro saw so much of her within Del, Del herself just didn't know that

"I am not going to hurt anyone" Siro was lying, Del too knows she was lying

"Mom, if I have to kneel down to beg you, I will" Del was so sincere with her words and was ready to kneel on the floor no matter how shameful it looked like

This was also one of the rare times that Del called Siro 'mom'. She would any other time call her out of her name

She doesn't know why she still cared Siro if she wished Siro wasn't her mother

"Are you sure you can do what I have planned?" Siro was smiling cynical. She was always proud of how determined that Del always seemed to be no matter what situation it maybe

Something she was sure she inherited from her

"Just tell me" Del knew that no matter how bad she thought it was going to be, it was going to be worse


"Ok, let's go" Del reached outside with a smile on her face

"What happened" North was quick to stop leaning on his car, and the conversation etween the brothers stopped when they saw Del

"Nothing, I just had to talked to her " she didn't want to tell them what she and Siro talked about

"What did you say to her" Ram wished he had stayed with Del and didn't leave with his brothers

"Nothing , can we go home now? I am tired" Del didn't show any ype of sadness and was smiling more than her siblings

"P'Del" Mark looked sad because he thinks it is his fault that Del had to talk to their mother alone- a position one should never beg to be in

Del looked at Mark and saw that he still was feeling guilty. HIs face was so down and was still red from the slap from Siro

"Mark, if we don't go home now, then five will lock us out and then we will have to sleep outside. Do you want to sleep outside?" Del laughed out loud and was trying to lighten the mood

They all looked at Del with their mind in shambles. She was so faking her reaction, but they weren't about to say that

How can she be serious one minute, then she is all funny and cheerful the other? They have never figured out that answer

Del got into the passenger of the car and was riding back with Mark. She was looking out into the window with Siro's plan in mind. Knowing that her brother was staring at her with tears in his eyes, she acted tough and kept her demeanor intact

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