Yes, Boyfriend

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After leaving the what was left of a house, Are and North made their way to Ram's house. They went inside as soon as they arrived so they could reveal the things they found

"So apparently the person that was in the plane name was Gon Saelim" Ram found the information on who was on the plane

The person was Gon Saelim rather than their mother

"He is dead too"

Ram pointed to the large murder board that was placed in the middle of the living room. There was a picture of Siro, the hitmen, their fathers and the logo of father's company

"What else is there about him" Mark asked

"Well I couldn't find much, the guy pretty much went AWOL around March 8, 2018"


Everybody turned their heads towards the door and looked at Ae and North as they entered the house

"The guy I hired to found out couldn't find out anything about that timeline"

"So he got in the plane on July 28, 2017 and by March 8, 2018, he was dead" Del wrote down the date a d pinned it on the board

"Okay, don't worry about finding more information about him yet, try to find out what important things happened between those timeline" Del said

"What is that?" Mark was referring to the photobook in Ae's hand

"Oh, we found this at the house of the hitman" Ae said

"What, let me see" Del said

Ae handed her the photo-book for her to explore

It showed pictures of the same family that was in the picture that is in North's hand

"Who are these" Mark was pointing to the the people in the pictures

"I don't know who the woman and little girl are but that man is the hitman" Del said

"We are thinking maybe those are his wife and his daughter"

They certainly looked very happy together as a happy family

"Could be" Del said

"Okay, we have a lead on something"

"Yes, we do" Del was relived about the break through

"Ram, find out what happened between those two timelines"

"Ae and North, find out more about this family" she was referring to the hitman's family

"I will go to Siro's place and help her with anything she needs so she doesn't even think about you guys" Del said

"And Mark find out where Team is at, I have been trying to call again to see if everything is okay"

"Okay" the brothers said, understanding and leaving to complete their tasks

"Oh and one more thing"

Which made the guys wait before they could leave out the door

"Don't forget that you have classes on Monday"

It was Saturday and everybody have been leaving school early or haven't even going to school because they were finding the missing clues

Even though she want to find answer and put a stop at her Siro's horrible crimes, she doesn't want them slipping from school and still want them to do their best

"We won't" Mark helped his bothers agreed and the boys smile at their sister who basically raising them like a mother


Team stayed over Win's dorm for two day straight

He and Win just talked about Team's messed up mother and they too were looking for clues and were trying to connecting the pieces together

But Team would have to admit that he has missed staying over at Win's and having long night with him

But this time it was to talk rather than do anything else

"I miss this" Team said with Win's arm wrapped around him as they were laying on the bed

Win looked up and smiled

"Missed what" Win was teasing Team and he knew exactly what he meant

"This, us in the same room at the same time"

"I am sorry for my behavior" said Win

No it is okay, you acted pretty great compared to my exes said Team, but quickly closed is eyes and slammed his hand on his mouth as he realized he also lied to Win about not having any boyfriends

"You had an ex, wait you said exes"  Win was still wondering how many more secrets Team was hiding from him

Team was watching Win act shocked at the revelation of his exes and couldn't help but start laughing

"What is so funny?"

"The fact that you think I had exes"

"You don't?"

"I have been too traumatized and occupied too have exes"

Win could be mad at the moment because Team lied to him, but he figured Team should be able to make jokes about his life in order to be okay

Win looked at him and believed, Team is telling the truth. So now can he finally put all his trust in Team and hope for no more surprise secrets from him?

Well he doesn't know the answer to that, but what he does now was that for now they were in good place and that all that matters

Both of them leaned in to kiss one another and was leaning closer in and closer in

Until Team's phone ringed and it was Mark calling to find out where he is at

Team looked at his phone and was a little annoyed about his brother calling right at this moment

He needed that kiss so that he can know that he and Win was okay, and Win was longer mad at hi

He sighed as he picked up as he looked Win who was smiling at Team's annoyed face

"Hello" Team said

"Team, where are you" Mark asked

"I am at Win's dorm"

"Did you and Win work things out"

"Yes, we did" Team looked at Win and smiled

"Well I won't want to spoil your joy, but we found information about your father's killer"

Team became more interested in the conversation after hearing about the mention of his father's killer

"What about him?" Team face changed from a smile to he was going to cry at any second now

But Win was there to comfort him when he does cry

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