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"Dad, I miss you" North was looking at an old photo of his dad carrying him when he was five years old

North is a playboy, well, he is a free spirited person. Among the siblings, he is the one that makes irrational decisions. He dates and sleeps with any one, it doesn't matter. He started doing such things when he started to resent his mother

He sees her as the reason why nothing good happens to them. She is also the cause of the bad things

'She is an awful mother and a bitch' North thought in his mind

He missed his dad, who has been dead for about 4 years now. He was in an tragic accident that unfortunately took away his life. Del, Mark and North cried themselves to sleep for about a year after his death

Though his dad die in an tragic accident, North don't think it was an accident. He could think of one person that would have wanted to kill his father

He looked at his phone when he noticed that it was ringing. Phone ID: Param- He quickly picked up

"Are you almost here" Param asked

Shit, North needed to be at a hotel within 10 minutes. He lost track of time cause memories were pouring in

"Yes, of course" North said, even though he hasn't even left his room that was upstairs of his house

He quickly rushed downstairs, started his car and drove off


After Del left Siro's house, she went to find Team and didn't find him at home. She called his phone, but he didn't pick up

"Please pick up" She was calling Mark's phone, while trying to drive with one hand

"Hello" Mark picked up when he saw that her sister was calling him

"Mark, have you seen Team" Del sounded so worried, which made Mark worried

"He said he was going to meet with Win"

"Is there anything wrong" Mark was making his way to his class having already being tired from his first class

"He is not picking up"

Del didn't know where she was driving to, but she was just driving around the city to hopefully Team somewhere

Mark became alert, he stopped dead in his tracks and became more worried

"Wait, what"

"I have tried to call him at least 10 times now, and he is not picking up" Del too stopped her car so that she doesn't crash since her mind wasn't really into driving at the moment

"Where are you right now" asked Mark as he was running to his car

"I am in my car in the middle of god know were and fucking worried" Del said and Mark could hear that she was so tired from all of this

He wanted to step up and do something, so she doesn't have to worry anymore

"You know what, I will go ask his friends where if they have seen him, and you should just go back home"

"I can come to school and look for him too" Del suggested

"No, you go back home and maybe he will go back home too"

Del agreed and hung up the call

Mark didn't know any of Team's friends, but Win is pretty popular so people should where he is. He went up to a random person and asked them if they knew where Win or his friends where. All he found out was that they were in the business department

He quickly rushed there and went to the library. He saw Dean and Korn sitting together and went up to them

"Sawadee Khrap, P'Dean and P'Korn" Mark wai'd out of respect before speaking to them

They both looked up and saw Mark stand in front of them

"Uhm, hi" Dean was stunned to see that Team's brother, Mark, especially Mark was talking to them

"Sorry to intrude, but have you see Team?"

"We saw him this morning looking for Win" Korn answered

"Where is Win"

Mark sounded like he was in a rush, which had them worried about if something was wrong with Team

"He went home, is everything okay" Korn couldn't help but asked

"I am looking for Team, he is not picking up his phone calls

"He must have went to Win's home"

Mark didn't know where Win's home is at, but he will find out some way

"Thank you" Mark rushed in a hurry and left

As he was running to his car, he heard his phone ringing- making him stop. It was Del calling him. He hoped she wasn't about to tell any more bad news 


"Team called and said he went home" Del said, but her voice sounded hurt

"What's wrong" Mark worriedly asked

"Team didn't sound okay over the phone- I think something happened between him and Win" 

"I am on my way home right now" 

"Me too" 

Mark and Del hung and made their way to their brother


"TEAM, TEAM, where are you" Del yelled while running into the house

Team couldn't bring himself say anything as he just sat on the sofa looking paralyzed. His eyes were so red probably from crying a lot, and his hair was disorganized 

"Oh, Team, are you okay" Del dropped her bag on the floor, shocked by the state of her brother 

One would think that he got beaten up 

They both heard the front door open- they both guessed it was Mark arriving

"Wait, what happened"  Mark was also shocked by Team's state

Team let out a loud cry and couldn't talk. Mark and Del looked at each other and figured that it was best to let him cry it out until he was ready to talk 

Del went into the kitchen to get water for Team to drink 

"His father told him"

"What" Mark asked for clarification 

"Win's father told him about his engagement to Siro" 

"So what happened" Del came back from the kitchen with a glass of water in hand for Team 

"When I got to his house, he already knew so when he saw me, he said he didn't want to see me again and said I was the worst person ever" Team drank the water while was thinking if this was actually happening

"I thought if I told him about the engagement then I can explain a bit more and then maybe he will at least understand a bit or least wouldn't be this mad, but he doesn't want to see me again" Team explained

Mark and Del both looked and each other and didn't even know what to do

"Look at me, you will go to his house and make sure he understands exactly what is happening okay" Del said

"But he doesn't want to see me" 

"Trust me okay, Win looks like someone who will understand if you just try" 

"But for now, Ram and I will call the board members at dad's company and find out anything we can use against Siro, okay?"

"Okay" Team and Mark answered

"Trust me, this bitch will definitely go down" 

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