Family Talk

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After all the commotion that had happened over the weekend, it was finally Monday morning. Team looked around the room when didn't see Win next to him

He sat and was confused as to where Win was at

"What the...?" Team up

"Win" Team called out his name when he couldn't find in the bathroom, but it was 7:32, so Win couldn't have gone to class

So where the hell was he?

"You are awake"

Team turned his head to the open door, where Win was standing at

"Where were you?" Team asked

"Dean called because he needed me to work out today's schedule for the swimming team" Win explained

"Early in the morning" Team asked Win with a confuse voice

It wasn't that he didn't believe Win, he was having his suspicions

"Yes, you know Dean" Win took off his swimming jacket which proves that he was with Dean. "He is very persistent, no matter what the time"

"Have you shower?" Team asked

"Yes, it is almost 8:00, what don't you go shower"

Win jokily pushed Team a bit towards the direction of the bathroom

"Sure, but be here when I am done" Team was still in disbelief of his and Win's fight so he didn't want Win to leave again

"Of course" Win said with a gentle smile

Team grabbed Win's other clean Towel and headed into the bathroom, but no before giving him a kiss on the cheeks

"That was too fast, no fair" Win whined

With Ram and Del

After all the work that Ram was doing, he had finally discover something very crucial to the case. He was quick to give Del a call

Del picked up the phone after seeing her brother calling

"What did you find?" Del asked

"Between July 28, 2017 and by March 8, 2018, was when Ae's father died. it could be a fucking coincidence, but with the way everything is playing out-"

"It couldn't be a fucking coincidence" Del said

"What else" Del asked

"Before he went AWOL, he was a IT guy at a company called Hagon"

Del's mind went away from the call for a moment when she realized she knew about the company. She was already in front of the board and kept looking at it

Everything was a big puzzle she couldn't solve

"Wait, you mean Hagon company, like the one located in Canada"

"Do you know the company" Ram was taken aback 'cause she knew about it

"Yes, but let's talk about it later" Del had to go prepare for school

She had been in front of the board all night still morning. She has on her computer all of the cases about their father's death opened up

Del cried a few time when she couldn't figure it out, but it didn't stop her to still try some more

"Okay, see later" Ram hung up

As Del was about to leave, Del connected a dot in her brain and knew she hit a jackpot. "What kind of game are you playing?"

At school

"Team, how have you been"

In asked since Win and Team was sitting together once again like a couple in front of the friends

"Guys, I am fine" Team said to ease the worry of his friends

"Have you guys resolved what is going on between you" Pharm asked

"Yes, we have" Win happily said with his mouth smiling as far as it could

"Great, it has being so hard to decide who we should talk to" Manow was one to say the truth

"Well, from now on, you can talk to both of us with no hassle" Team was sorry that he placed his friends in that uncomfortable situation

"Are those not your siblings?" Korn asked

Team and Win turned their heads and saw Del, Ram, North, Ae and Mark walking towards the group

"Oh, hi guys"

"We have to talk" Ae said with an urgent tone

"About what" Team asked

"Let's go somewhere private"

North looked around his friends with eyes that implied that he didn't trust nor like them

"Can we not" Team stood up to face his siblings. "I am trying not to keep any secrets from them" Team meant Win and his friends

"You sure" Del didn't mind Team telling his friends, but she feared they might run from Team, which was Team's biggest fear

"Yes" Team nodded his head

"Okay, so Gon was an IT at Hagon company" Del started the conversation "But that same company, was also in business with our father," Mark meant his, Del and North's father

"But that same company was the one that was rumored back in the day to have started illegal business with our father's company" Ram meant his and Team's father

"And he is the one that killed my father" Ae revealed

"What the fuck!" Team sat back down as every word his siblings were saying struck like lighting

Team's friends was left shocked about the talk of death and murder. Team had told what he had told Win, so everything was very much new information to them

"Who died" Pruk asked one of the questions that was wondering in all of Team's friends mind

"I will have to tell you later" Team didn't know how he was going to break the information to his friends, but he would try his best and hope that they are understandable like Win

"That company seems to be one of the root of all of the problems" North pointed out

"So that means whoever own the company also work with Siro" Mark said "I mean that is the only way that this company could be linked to everything"

"Wait, Gon couldn't have killed your father" Team was talking about Del, Mark and North's father

"No he couldn't have, he died a month before" Del agreed since their father died on April 19, 2018

"So who did it?"

Though the media said their father by an technical error, the kids believe and knew Siro definitely had something to do with his death

"We don't know that, but I think it is someone from the company" Ram said

"Hagon company" North asked


"Your father's company" Ram disclosed as his brain just realized something

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