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After the commotion, Siro left Del all alone at the site to go home, or shopping- whatever the fuck the wicked witch does on her spare time

Del was looking around the land and was looking at the condition. The land was in the middle of nowhere- no houses, no stores, no cavillation near it

Del looked around a few times, making sure nobody was behind or anything like that

When Del looked around once again, a man walked her way. As soon ad Del saw this, her whole body stiffened because she don't know what to do

"What do you want?" Del hesitantly asked

"Are sure this is the place you want to start a company?" a strange man that was walking down the street asked her

Del turned around, confused about what the older man was talking

"Excuse me?" Del asked

"I am just saying, do you know how many crimes happens here everyday?"

"Who are you, and how do you know about what I am doing?"

Not only was Del scared that a strange man was standing in front of her. She also couldn't see their face since he was covering up his face and the man knows about the company they are starting even though nobody knows about it except her and Siro

Hell, even her brothers don't even know about it

"I am nobody for the moment" the odd man said

"Look here you prevent, I will kick your ass if you don't start talking" Del was qualified in martial arts and wasn't afraid to fight an older person

"All you have to know is that you really have to dig up something before you start working on it"

The thing is Del couldn't see the man because he had a mask on and he had a baseball cap on which was hard to see his face, but from what Del as gathered, she inspected his whole look and from his choice of clothing, this man could be older than a 35 year old

"What the hell does that mean?" Del was still patiently trying to get answers

Suddenly a motorbike came speeding, Del moved out of the way because she was in front of the land of the company they building so she was on the side of the street

Though the man didn't move because as soon as the motorbike got closer, the driver slowed down and the man jumped on and drove away

Del was still confused as to what just happened. She didn't want to think much of it, but she couldn't stop thinking about it

She took out her phone and decided to call Five

"Five, is this a bad timing?" Del asked

"No, what do you need!"

"Could you come to xxxx?" Del was giving him the address of the location she was currently at

"Sure, I will right there"

Del went in her car and decided to stay in there until Five arrived

She couldn't leave until she was done inspecting the land as Siro told her. So she has no other choice but to call Five

With Siro

"I want you to make sure that Ram go down for this"

Siro was talking to one of the board members at Team and Ram's father's company

"Are you sure?" the man was confused on why a mother would want to put her child in jail

"Are you questioning me?" Siro asked

"No" the man wasn't trying to lose his job

They were talking about the corruption that Siro created in the company

If people found out, of course Siro wouldn't want to go to jail for this so she was willing to pin all this all on Ram

What a disgusting act a person especially a mother could ever do to their child

Back to Del

Del got out her car when she saw Five arrive. Five quickly got out of the car too and saw how distressed Del is

"Thank god you are here"

"Is everything okay?"

"What is wrong?" Five asked

"No, a stranger came up to me and started talking about the company that nobody know about yet"

"What, who was it?" Five was worried for Del

"I don't know; I couldn't see their face"

"What do you want me to do?" Five asked, trying to protect her

"Could you just be here when I am here too, I am kind of wary of this area" Del looked around again, feeling unsafe

"Of course, I can" Five smiled that he will be closer to Del

But he quickly changed his face when he realized he was smiling in front of his boss like a teenager who has a crush on his boss

Del smiled when she saw Five's smile. She went back to inspecting the land to finds out all she needed to find out

A new life(Editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now