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"What do you mean my father's company" North couldn't wrapped his head around anything, but this confused him even more

"Think about it"

"I just realized that after your father died, instead of Siro getting half of the shares like dad had, some guy named Arizl Chen got 23% of the 48% and Siro got 25% so why did she split up the shares with him when she could have had it all" Ram questioned

"She would have had control over the company, but yet she was stupid enough to just give it to him" Ae knew his mother his not stupid, so it was definitely part of her plan

"No, she wouldn't have done that" Del also knew her mother is not stupid

"Guys, just found out that Arizl's whereabouts was never found" Team was already searching up who he was

"What?" North and Mark asked at the same time

"It was said that he went missing around August 16, 2019, and hasn't been found" Team was reading off the first article he saw

"When we were little, we always go to Dad's office, but yet I don't remember anybody named Arizl Chen" Mark said

"Me too" Del and North couldn't remember either

"Wait, Team on the news, doesn't it say what position he played at the office" Del asked

"He was the Chief Operating Officer"

"I will find out his whereabouts" North said

"I will find out more about Hagon" Mark said

"And for the hitman, we found out his daughter had cancer" Ae and North had also done some detective work yesterday

"So what?" Ram asked

"Well, we went to hospital she was admitted into yesterday and asked about how the expensive treatment was paid for; we couldn't actually find out who paid for it, but the money was paid for around the same time that he killed your father" Ae said to Team and Ram

"Okay, let's just say Siro hired him in return of paying for his kid's hospital bills"

"Wait, wait a minute, sorry, what are we talking about?" Dean was lost on what was going on

Team just realized that his friends were still there and was listening to the conversation

"Team can tell you guys that" Ram said

"Win, I am going to guess that Team told you about the situation" Del said

"He did"

"Well, if you could help, we would really appreciate it"

"I'm in no way in hell having that my dad get married to such woman"

"Okay, whatever you and Team can find out will help" Del turned her phone on to check the time "I have to go, I have a class in 10 minutes" Del was standing up and ready to leave

"So soon" Mark asked

"Yes, my next class is really hard and the professor is an even more an pain in the ass" Del grabbed her hand bag "Changing countries from American to Thailand, and the teachers are still that same way"

"Well, if anyone can over accomplish anything, then it is you" North cheered on his sister

"I know, I was just born that way or maybe it is because we have a shitty mother" Del laughed at her comic relief

The siblings all laughed and wished her goodbye as she left

"Well, I should leave too, I have to meet up with someone" North also grabbed his items he left on the table

"Who is it this time?" Ae and the rest of the siblingswas wondering who North was courting this time

"Someone you don't know"

"Give us the name, we might know" Mark said

'That is my business and I suggest you should not mind it" 

North wasn't ready to tell his family about Param. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't ashamed of his siblings knowing they were sleeping together frequently like they were dating, but he doesn't want to say anything about his relationship with Param. Param is not just another one night stand, he is special and the only one that makes him feel as he do when he is with him

He doesn't want to jeopardize anything

"Bye" the rest of the siblings left too to go handle their personal business

Once again, Team was left with his friends and boyfriend

He could see on their faces they were shocked, in disbelief, worried and begging to know what is happening, while Team was thinking about how to say the whole life story to his friends

"I guess I have some explaining to do" 

"You think, spill bitch" Manaow was eager to know what was going on

And with that Team said everything even with Win helping him so that they could understand better

With del

Again, Del is a good liar, so it shouldn't come to you as a shocker that instead of going to her next class, she was going to meet Siro

She was driving to the address that Siro sent. Since Siro was building a new company, she had to keep track of everything to make sure everything went okay. At the same time, she had to keep an eye on Siro

She saw the site that Siro wanted to build the new company, and it seem a little sketch for a place to build a company compared to the places where her dad and her siblings' dads all have their company located at

"What the hell is this?

Del came out her car and couldn't find other words to asked her mother

"My new company" Siro answer

"This look like a waste dump" 

"It might look like that now, but it will look better when the building is built"

"No it won't" Del prayed that her mother was joking with her. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING AT SIRO? Del yelled 

She couldn't figure out the reasons why her mother was doing everything she is doing. As they still haven't completely solved the death of their father's Del got more angry at her mother

Siro eyes widen and slapped Del's face. Del looked at Siro with so much hatred

"You agreed to do this" Siro switched her persona from happy to hateful in a matter of seconds 

"If you don't, I will just have to get Team or Mark to do this" Siro threatened as she knew that Del's siblings were her weakness

Del changed her eyes from hatred to sadness 'cause she doesn't want that

"Do you understand me?"

"Yes" Del composed herself in order to play along

A new life(Editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now