Tampa. Two weeks later

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My phone dings for the thousandth time and I'm so annoyed already by the amount of messages and pictures I've been getting I'm half tempted to just buy a whole new phone.
All I'm getting consists of the same things. Pictures of my outfit from right before I left the party. Which believe it or not has sky rocketed my followers on Instagram. Because apparently I am now the leader of the "bad bitch party" since I not only outed my shrimp dick ex and ex bestie for being slimy pieces of shit. But also, because I strip teased half of our town. Oops. Sorry not sorry.
Or it's pictures of Jase and Jess who are now trying to be a "power" couple. Or whatever the fuck that means. Oh well. Go off I guess. Birds if a feather and all that jazz.
Or the best one, the numerous texts I've received from Jase trying to get me to talk to him or Jessica apologizing again. The only ones I'm responding to are Aaron's because he's the only one I've got through all of this. Besties for the resties I guess. He's moving to Miami in about a month and we are definitely going to link up before schools starts because, he is the only person I feel bad for leaving behind. My dad didn't even notice I was gone til three days after, if that doesn't tell you what a stellar job of being a dad does then I don't know what would. He's always giving me money or access to whatever I need, but that's how he shows his love I guess and I won't fault him because I have all that I need.
I sit up in my bed, and glance out the window. God Florida is gorgeous. Moms condo is near the beach so it's literally just a 5 minute walk down there. All I've done since I got here is read smutty books and lay in the white sand. This was the life I was made for. On an off note, my tan is top tier.
Since I left home and moved in with mom for the renaming part of the summer I've decided fictional men are much easier to love then real men and I would rather read about relationship than be in one. I'm also done playing the part of the perfect girlfriend, that's obviously done me no favors. With that being said I have decided that this is me time and I will discover who I want to be and how I want to act. At this point, it's a clean slate and I can be whoever.
Slowly, I make my way out of bed and go to the bathroom, it takes me all of about 5 seconds to decide that I want to go to the beach with my kindle and a bag of snacks for awhile. There is something so calming about being near the ocean.
After eating breakfast I pack up my bag of snacks, my kindle device and my phone. I grab my navy blue bikini, then my white sandals and take off toward the beach.
Once I find a spot I set up quickly, and sit my stuff down. The water looks so nice I think I'll dip In before I chill.
Walking over the the water I scrunch my toes In the wet sand and make my way through the smaller waves crashing in. I'm about waist deep when I hear a girl behind me.
I turn around and see this exceptionally gorgeous blonde.
"Hey!" She yells.
"Do you mind if I sit my stuff near yours?"
She asks.
I contemplate that only for a second
"Nah. You're good! Go ahead"
She smiles a breath taking smile full of perfect teeth.
God, you really do have favorites don't you? I ask him silently.
Smiling to myself at my dumb joke I turn back toward the water and just enjoy the view. Favorites or not this man sure can paint a pretty picture.
I hear her before I see her. Splashing behind me.
"Hey. I'm Rachel. Sorry to bother you about my stuff I just don't feel comfortable leaving it all by itself. I've got at least $30 worth of booze i ln there that I don't need stolen."
I look at her and laugh.
"Oh that's great. I love it. I feel you in the stealing side. I really wasn't even thinking about that aspect. But yeah girl. No worries. I don't mind. I'm Natasha. You can can me Nat or whatever works. I answer to bitch too if you'd rather?"
She looks and me and we start laughing.
"Nice to meet you Nat bitch. What an interesting surname." We laugh again big wheezing laughs. Jesus I sound like a hyena.
"Sooo. This will sound a little cliche but I'm going for it. I haven't seen you around before, are you new here?"
I look at her again before I turn toward her fully.
"Yeah I moved from Austin. I'm going to college here in a few months and figured I'd get the lay of the land first."
Her smile widens not a full on ear to ear grin.
"Oh dude. Me too! I start as a freshman in August!"
Well at least I'll know one person aside from my book friends.
"My brother will be in his junior year so I can get us into all the dopest parties. Perks of being the only sister the the quarterback"
"Heeeeey. That's what's up! I'm so down. I'd love to meet some of the people. I'm down for it. I need new friends anyway. All of my old ones were snakey as fuck. Well minus like one."
Her smile falters a little but she still keeps it in place
"Running from your past ghosts too huh?"
Damn. Well done detective gorgeous.
"Yeah. Basically. My boyfriend of two years cheated on me with my bestfriend of five years. My close guy friend Aaron and I are who walked in on them. So. I may or may not have caused a scene and then moved her like that same day. Drove all night to get her just to get the fuck away."
Her face drops into a scowl. "Bro. What the fuck? That's so messed up. Like absolute bullshit. You are drop dead gorgeous. I can't even imagine that. I'm so sorry.
Don't lose all hope in us women yet though. Not all of us are shifty."
I smiled at her a small one and shrugged my shoulders. "It's whatever I guess. And I totally know.
I'm going to walk back up the the beach and sip on some mimosas while I read, wanna come chill with me?"
She smiled again. My God that woman is pretty. Like I'm not insecure but if I was a lesbian I'd so have a lady boner right now.
"I'm down. What are you reading if you don't mind me asking?"
Okay so how do I tell her I'm reading porn??????
Pro tip. You don't.
"Do you read too?" I asked completely ignoring her question.
Her cheeks pinked and I knew right then she's reading smut. Just like me. Ah. Soul sister I have found.
"Ummm. Well don't think I'm a freak of anything but it's called 'Ritual'"
"Oh dude! I've read that!! Ryat is such a top tier boyfriend my goodness. Swoon."
She laughed
"Listen I was so nervous to say anything. Because like how do you tell a perfect stranger that you read porn?" I laughed so har d my stomach hurt but turned and started walking back to the beach.
Calling over my should I said "I get it. I do. I'm reading the 'devils night' series right now and I am swooning over all the guys. But Kai Is top tier"
She walks up beside me. As we step out of the water and start drying off. "I so get it. I'm here for all of the horsemen. They are all swoon worthy, but let's just take a second to acknowledge how badass the girls are. Rika and Banks. Top notch. I swear."
I grinned at her as I sat down to get our drinks together. "I don't know who banks is yet. I'm still on books one. But I'm so seeing that theme." I hand her a drink with a smile on my face and pick up my kindle while she pulls out a paper back of 'the ritual'. We lapse into a comfortable silence reading together.

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