The party 2.0

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After a solid hour or two of drinks and dancing I am pleasantly wasted and having a damn good time. Most people have cleared out. But there are still some. Rachel is drunk off her ass but handling herself well. Aaron was hitting on some busty blonde a little while again and gave me a pointed look.
Yeah. yeah. I know dude. Go get you some.
For tho most part most people are sitting down now around the fire outside of they are making out. So it is what it is.
Rachel plops down next to me by the log and says to the group of us. "Let's play challenges."
I glance at her "what's that?"
All the guys, even Lance cracks a grin. Mav takes the opportunity to answer and says "they're basically dares just with a little more spice. Some are a little wild. But since your new we can start tame and work our way up." I shrug. "Hey I'm down. Momma didn't raise a bitch"
Rachel squeals excitedly. "Okay okay. We need like one of two more people. We're the only two girls."
Landon chimes in "that's okay. It's not like we're gonna challenge you to suck us off or something"
Lance slugs him In the arm with a "really dude?"
"Oldest goes first." Lance says. I laugh "so that means you, right?" He looks me up and down and says "yeah."
He sits there for a second like he's contemplating.
"Avery. I challenge you to jump off the roof into the pool."
Whoa. Wait. What? This is a three story house.
"Is that safe?" I ask glancing at the roof.
"Ahh. Don't be a baby. It'll be fine."
Avery says as he downs his beer. I got this.
After maybe five minutes you can seem Avery climbing out of a window and out onto the roof balcony.
Holy shit that's high. Maybe momma did raise a bitch.
"Alright fuckers. Watch out"
The people in the pool scatter like mice.
"Count it down Lance!"
We all start together, my adrenaline is pumping and it's not even me. This is dope.
We all scream at once as Avery propels himself off the railing and does an front flip into the pool.
"Holy shit! That was awesome!"
Avery pops out of the water.
"That was a rush! Okay who's next."
"It's me." Landon says.
Okay. I challenge Mav to go hit in that girl by the bar if you can get her number you win. If not face the consequences."
The who in the what now?
"What are the consequences?"
The guys all grin at each other. "The consequence is that you have to streak across the colleges campus until security finds out and the you have to try to get away without getting g caught" Lance says.
"That's hilarious. How many times have you had to do it? The guys all answer "once" then start laughing. " okay. Okay but did any of you get caught by security?"
The guys start laughing as Avery slowly waves his hand.
We all bust into laughs again. This is great.
Mav is still sitting on his log while Landon waits for him to move.
" I can't really do that dare because I got her number an hour ago. She's waiting on me to leave because we're leaving together." Man says with a grin.
Oh you smug bastard. I laugh with everyone while Landon looks like someone pissed in his cheerios. "Why are you still here my man, be gone!" Landon laughs a little.
Mav shrugs as he stands. "Say no more. I'll catch you guys later. It was lovely seeing you ladies. " he smiles at Rach and I and then walks up the the blonde throws his arm around her shoulder and they walk out together.
My attention turns back to the guys. "Okay who is next, Avery?" Rachel asks.
Avery nods. "Hmmm. I'm thinking."
He has a small smile that turns positively devilish.
Lances eyebrows raise.
"I challenge you to do a body shot off of one of the girls at the party. But you can't tell them what your doing. You've just gotta do it. If you can pull it off without getting slapped you win."
Lances grins and stands up. Lucky for him there is a girl laying in the table doing body shots. So that's easy. I watch him walk toward her and he picks up a bottle of Jack before pouring it into her belly button. He locks eyes with me and my heart rate picks up. He is literally so hot. Keeping his eyes locked in me, he dips downs and flicks his tongue against her belly rings before dropping his mouth fully to her attach and taking the shot.
I am so fucking jealous. Which is ridiculous, truthfully I just want to know what that mouth can do.
I break the contact and look back at Rachel who is staring and Landon like he hung the moon. "I've got your challenge if you're got mine." I nudge Rachel. She glances at me. "What do you mean" she murmurs. "I'll challenge you to spend the night with Landon if you challenge me to a body shot dare. I need to show your brother how it's done."
Her smile spreads across her face so fast and it's so evil and I looooove it. "Deal"
Lance sits back down like he is hot shit. But I'm about to show this cheeky devil what hot is. "Alright Rachel your go." Landon says.
"I've already told Nat what it is. Y'all just have to play along, okay?" Rachel asks again with that devilish glint. "Record this for me." I grin at her.
"I'm gonna grab the stuff I'll be right back okay?l I ask
Everyone nods. These boys aren't gonna know what hit them.
When I walk back to the circle. Lance has his shirt off and he's standing by where I sat. "Are you ready?" I ask.
He looks down at me, like his confused but he's definitely interested. He nods.
"Okay. Put the lime in between your lips." I order. His eyebrows shoot up. But we're not done yet. "Avery can you put the bottle of tequila at his collar bone and when I tell you to pour start pouring it down his chest." Avery smiles at me like he knows exactly what I'm about to do.
"Rach. You ready?"
"Yeah girl. I got it all set." I go down to my knees in front of Lance. And glance at Avery who is chuckling. I nod to him once and he start the tequila fall. The clear liquor works it's way down his chest and across his perfect fucking abs. It should be illegal to be this hot.
As soon as it reaches his waist band I grip his hips and drag my lips up the trail of tequila. As I'm raising I'm grazing my tongue across the hard plains of his stomach until I get to his peck which I take the moment to swirl my tongue around his nipple before moving up to his color bone as Avery removes the bottle. After I've licked up the rest of the liquor I face Lance and lift my lips to the lime between his lips. Momentarily slides my lips across his as I grab the lime from there. We lock eyes for a second and all I see is heat and desire. I back away from Lance who still hasn't formed words and I sit down.
"And that boys and girls is how you do a proper body shot" I say smugly.
Landon sits there mouth agape before he gets his shit together and says "that was fucking hot." Avery starts laughing. "I like you Nat. You'll fit right in"Rachel and I grin at each other. "Oh Lan, that's just the first hot thing that'll happen tonight, because I challenge Rachel to leave with you and spend the night together." I say with a wink at Rachel who is grinning so big I bet her cheeks hurt.
Landon's mouth falls open and he quickly glances at Lance before back to Rachel "I'm so done. You ready to dip out Rachel?" She nods. They walk off together, and then it's just Avery, Lance and I.
Lance looks at me and Avery looks at the house.
"If you need to crash here you can." Avery says.
"Is this your house?" I ask and he smiles nodding
"That's great. I'm way to tipsy to order and Uber home. My friend Aaron is here somewhere I think."
"Is Aaron the guy in the video?"I smile and say "yeah that's him. My bestfriend for like 10 years, he was trying to link up with some big titty blonde girl about two hours ago. So maybe he got lucky. Lemme text him to see where he's at.

Nat: Hey man. You still at the party or did you leave with the hot blonde?
Aaron: what do you think *winky face*
Nat: *laughing emoji* alright. Bet. I'm staying at the house. I'll see you in the am doing the walk of shame.
Aaron: never the walk of shame. Be safe babes.
Nat: always my dude. Always.

I look back at the guys and say "yeah he's getting laid he's gone. So as long as I'm all good here, I'm gonna go wash up and crash"
Lance is looking off in the distance. Avery stands up "lemme show you where you'll stay."
With that he stand up and offers me and hand. Walking me into the house and up to the second floor he walks me into a cute little guest room.
"Thanks Avery"
"No problem, you should come to more of things. You definitely spiced this shit up tonight. I don't think I have ever seen Lance at a loss for words. It was literally the funniest thing I've seen in my life."
I laugh a little "well I'm glad I have offered y'all entertainment. And maybe man. We will see."
Avery walks out of the room and I lock the door to strip out of the bathing suit and lay down In just the sundress. It doesn't take long for sleep to take me.

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