Moon phases.

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Rachel's and I have been swimming in the pool behind the house most of the afternoon, or ever since Avery had left. I still had a pleasant ache in between my legs from our time last night. I was more than happy to repeat. But I was enjoying my lazy Saturday.
Lance came out to sit in a lounger by Landon a little bit ago, and I had been trying to work up the nerve to talk to him.  I don't know why I'm so damn hesitant. He had a girl in his room last night. Gathering my resolve i stepped out of the pool in my bra and throng from the night before, I had put them on after they had been washed. I walked toward Lance before nudging his feet so he would move them.
"Sorry to interrupt boys, but I needed a favor."
Landon gave me a look that screamed trouble and he was mostly right but oh well. Lance looked over to me and said "what's up?" I gestures to his tattoo covered arms and said "I want to get some new ink, and I figured since you have so many that you probably know the best place to go. I was wondering if you could tell me where?"
Lance regarded me for a moment before standing up and motioning with his hand for me to follow him.
Lance stopped by the counter and I rounded the other side, plopping into the stool.
"I have a few guys I request, what are you thinking and how big?"
I debated not telling him, but decided I would.
"I want the moon phases down my spine. Like in a line. I want it black and white. I want it to start between my shoulders and stop at the small of my back."
Lance nodded. "Spine tattoos hurt you know?"
I nodded. "Yeah I'm aware. I've been researching it for about a month of so, I kind of want to get one covered to or atleast changed into something else."
Lance's brows furrowed, before asking "what do you want covered?"
I stood up and slid the top part of my undies down and pointed to the green outlined clover on my hip. Lances eyes flashes with heat, but he cocked his head and asked "what is that for? Are you Irish?"
I laughed and shook my head a little embarrassed.
" I really don't want to tell you, you're much too serious."
He narrowed his eyes at me with a small smirk.
"Now you have to tell me."
I stepped back raising my hands in surrender "no way". Lance's smile grew "don't run from me, angel. I like the chase"
My smile faltered before heat coursed through me again. Fucking Lance and his pretty fucking eyes and perfect fucking smile.
"Okay, okay fine. It means that my pussy is Magical."  I said quickly.
Lances smile grew and he full on laughed, rolling his eyes he shook his head. "Or course you got that tattooed. However. I think you should keep it, it's cute."
My stomach bottomed out. He just complimented me. I smiled a shy smile at him. "Okay well nom going to get changed. Text me the address and I'll head out. Thank you" I started to turn but Lance said "uh no, little angel. I'll take you. Besides your car isn't here." Right. It's not. Fuck. Wordlessly I nodded  to him before darting upstairs and throwing my jeans on and stealing another of Avery's shirts. It was a bit big, so I grabbed scissors off the desk and cut the shirt underneath the arm wholes and then cutting out the collar area. I left it open on the sides. But cut off the sleeves too. That way my back could breathe afterwards.
Prancing back down stairs I met Lance at the door who gave me a once over before nodding and walking out the door.
It was only a 7 minute drive to the shop, and Lance strolled in like he owned the place. He set me up with an artist and we went over the designs together. I already loved how we had it all set up. Now all I had to do was remove my shirt, lay out on the table, and unclasp my bra. But I couldn't reach it at this angle. I went to sit up to do it, but lances voice touched my ears in a soft whisper "I got it, stay down. Nobody here needs to see those. They're already seeing more of you than id like." A shiver rolled down my body at the heat laced in those words but I said nothing. Relaxing on the table.
I flicked my gaze to Lance who was looking at his phone. "Hey. Take a pic of us and Send it to Avery."
I said to Lance who looked up and gave me a small twist of his sinful lips. I heard the snap of the camera when the artist took his seat. He started the process sod cleaning the are and then placing the stencil. "Ready?" The artist asked. I gave an eager "yes" and we began.
After about an hour we were done, and my back was definitely sore. He wrapped the new ink in the plastic wrap telling me not to take it off or get it wet. I nodded, understanding him. After I paid we left. I didn't put my bra back on but my shirt was.
Once Lance climbed in, I dropped my bra to the floorboard of the passenger side. And leaned forward to grab my phone from the little hidden compartment. I don't really know what came first or why, but Lance sucked in a sharp breath and yanked me back upright. Smacking my back against the hard leather. "Ow! Lance! What the fuck?!  That hurt!" I yelled looking over at him. But he wasn't making home he contact, his eyes were trained on my nipples that you could see through the shirt.
Oh, I see what the problem is. He got and eyeful and freaked.
"Lance."  I said quietly. He met my eyes then, a blank face taking I've this expression.
" they are just boobs honey. Not a big deal. You've seen plenty. You had a set in your face last night. What's your deal?" I laughed a little to try to ease the tension but was failing miserably.
He cleared his throat. Once. Twice. And then started the car and we drove off without another word.

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