17. White Room

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A/n The song for this chapter is White Room by Cream.


After talking to my mom on the phone, I quickly made my way to the hospital Niall was in. It was not past visiting hours yet, so I was allowed to see him. I walked right into his room. Niall looked so peaceful. If it was even possible, even with his tubes he looked beautiful.

I stood there for a moment, thinking how it would have all been different if I had told him about my visions. Niall would not have been here right now, and probably neither would have Lloyd. That explosion would have most likely not happened, and everyone would have been totally healthy and okay. Lloyd would have been in a bar while Niall and I would have been in that asylum.

But then if none of this had happened, I would not have known what was happening to me. My vision attacks would have been mysterious and I would have kept them from not only from Niall but also myself. If I hadn't called my mom a moment ago I would have never known I could heal. I guess it was for the best that this all happened. Who knows what we would encounter on our little road trip?

I quietly walked up to the boy laying on a hospital bed, tubes and an IV attached to him and a monitor. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and put a hand on his forehead. I thought of all the good, of Niall being healthy and without any scratches and burns. I pictured him free of any illness. His smile seared into my mind. I kept at it as I thought of the best.

I don't know how long I've been standing like that— probably a few seconds— but soon enough I heard Niall let out a small, faintly audible gasp. I opened my eyes to see him looking back at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his. He had no burn marks, no marks of a fire on him anywhere. Even the monitor that showed his heartbeat was a bit faster than it was a moment before.

Niall looked up at me in confusion, and then he looked around. He was a bit surprised the location.

"Robin," Niall said softly once he finished the small tour with his eyes. "Why am I in a hospital?"

"You got into an accident," I explained to him, sitting down on a chair next to the bed. "Lloyd's apartment caught on fire and you went to save him. By the time the firemen got there, the apartment blew up. You were burned pretty bad, so you were brought here."

"Oh my god, where is Lloyd? Is he okay?" Niall questioned.

"Yes, he is fine. You two got lucky. Your burns weren't that serious."

Niall reached a hand up to touch his face, and his glance met mine with confusion. "What burns?"

Here it was. The moment of truth. What was I going to tell him?

No, I won't tell him until we are safe away from this town. He was going to find out but in due time.

"I will explain everything later," I said. "Right now you should eat. I'll go get you some food."

I left the room before he could ask any more questions. I quickly made my way to the food court and some fruits, two slices of pie, and two sodas. There was a long line at the checkout, but thankfully the people there worked pretty fast. In no time, I was fourth in line. Bored, I scanned the faces of the cashiers. The first one was a woman that looked to be about in her late twenties. She had dark pink hair in two braids and a nose piercing. The second cashier was a man with ginger hair. He looked to be about Niall's height and had a small beard.

Before I could get to the third cashier something in the second one caught my eye. At first glance, you would think he's a normal college student trying to earn money somehow. As original as he might've seemed, he was anything but. Because when he finished helping the old lady check out, his eyes turned pitch black when she wasn't looking. It all happened in a single second that if you weren't paying attention to him you wouldn't notice. But I was paying attention. And I noticed.

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