~Chapter 1~

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~Izuku's POV~

I had always been bullied since my childhood best friend found out I was quirkless. He always called me names and pushed me away when I got too close to him but I still wouldn't give up my friendship because of me being quirkless.

~One Month Till The End of School~

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm clock going off so I got up and got ready for school. Once I was dressed I ran down the stairs to the kitchen to grab some breakfast from my mom "good morning Izuku" I smiled and hugged my mom "good morning mom" she hands me my breakfast as I'm walking towards the door. 

On my way to school I see Kacchan and his friends walking so I started to walk slower so they wouldn't see me "hey Deku what do you think your doing" I look up to see Kacchan and his friends have stopped walking as I got closer "n-nothing kacchan" I see him smirk as he started walking closer to me "well you wouldn't mind if me and my gang beat you up, do you?" the blood from my face drained when he said that so I turned and ran towards an alley way. They followed and cornered me in the alley way, Kacchan activated his quirk and threw an explosion at me, I tried to dodge but it hit me right in the stomach "make sure you stay out of my way and never try to dodge again" he and his gang started laughing as they walked towards the school while I sat in the alley way crying because of the explosion that hit my stomach.

I finally decided to get up and go to school before I was counted late. When I arrived the bell rang so I quickly ran to my classroom "why are you late to class Midoriya" I apologized to him for being late and sat down. The worst thing about this class is that I sit behind Kacchan and during class when the teacher isn't looking he passes me threats on notes.

~After Class~

As I'm packing up my stuff Kacchan walks over to me and grabs my notebook "Kacchan give that back it's mine" he chuckles and burns my notebook "why should I listen to you" he smirks and throws my notebook out the window and puts his hand on my shoulder as he activates his quirk "stop trying to be a hero, also pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swa dive off of the roof of the building" Kacchan grabs his bag and walks out of the classroom as I'm standing there with tears in my eyes. 'I think I don't belong here, maybe Kacchan is right, I shouldn't be here I should just take a swan dive off of the roof of the building' I grabbed my bag and headed towards the roof 'I won't be missed, will I' then I bump into something bigger than me "where are you going in such a hurry deku" I hear Kacchan's voice speaking to me "to the roof like you said" I walk off and hear hurried footsteps behind me as I reach the roof "DEKU DON'T DO THIS" I smile and turn around "why not Kacchan, won't you be happy if I finally left your life" I feel something grab my arm "I-I didn't mean it Deku" he grip loosened so I took the chance and jumped off the building while smiling when I said 

"Bye Kacchan, I love you"

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