~Chapter 8~

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~Izuku's POV~

I looked at the paper Shigaraki gave me of the guy I'm going to be killing. The paper had a picture of a guy with long purple hair in a pony tail, it said he was 27 years old and had a lot of money "how you gonna kill him" I jumped because I completely forgot that Kirishima had his head on my shoulder "I'm going to burn his house to the fucking ground" I say with a smile, I change into the black hoodie I took from Kirishima before I left his house and black ripped jeans "is that my sweatshirt~" I blush and nod "w-we should go now" I grab my mask and leave the base.

When we arrived all the lights on the street were off so I thought this was the perfect timing "we have to see if he has any money or valuables before we set it on fire" I whisper to Kirishima and he nods. I start picking the lock until he pushes me out of the way and uses his quirk to unlock the door "show off" I mumble under my breath "what'd you say Cutie~" I walk in and start searching for money and other valuables. After we got all of the things we needed from inside we headed outside and I lit the house of fire using my quirk "let's go before someone catches us" he nods and we run back to base.

~3 years later at the LOV~

My alarm started going off and I jerked up "EI GET UP TIME FOR THE FIRST DAY OF YOUR LAST YEAR OF U.A." he groaned so I jumped on him and started shaking him "5 more minutes, Love" I got an idea in my head and smirked "Daddy~ you need to get up~" I said in a seductive tone and he got up in a second "what time is it" I pointed to the alarm clock on the nightstand and it said 6:45 "shit shit shit shit, why didn't you wake me up earlier" I smack him on the back of the head "I tried you dumbass also I'm taking you to school" he got up quickly and started getting dressed in his U.A. uniform "I'll be out in the living room waiting for you" he just kept rushing around our room for his school stuff while I went to the bar "hey Kurogiri can you get me a coffee please" Kurogiri nods and turns the coffee machine on then I hear a crash coming from my room "HEY EI DON"T BREAK ANYTHING IN MY ROOM" I yell down the hall "FUCK OFF IZU" I roll my eyes as he comes down the hall without a tie on and his shirt slightly unbuttoned so I get up and fix his shirt "where's your tie" he shrugs "I'm not gonna wear one anymore" I look at him "why not" he shrugs "because you can't pull my tie to kiss me  anymore" I roll my eyes and grab my coffee before walking out of the base, Kirishima follows behind me closely, I put my mask on before reaching U.A.

When we arrived I pulled my mask down and kissed Kirishima before he walked into the school grounds "oh~ someone's going to miss me~" I groan and wrap my arms around his neck "you owe me once you come home" he chuckles and then Kacchan walks up "hey Shitty hair- wait De- Izuku your alive" I smirk and turn to face him "Nice to see you too, Kacchan~ how's life thinking your the reason I'm 'Dead'~" his face goes pale which just makes me smirk "well I have to go now, Bye Ei love you" I give him a kiss on the cheek and head back to the base

~Eijiro's POV~

Izu gave me a kiss on the cheek and left "h-how long have you two known each other" I've never heard him stutter and I feel a smile tug on my lips and I just walk away, I hear him 'tsk' and follow behind me to class. 

When we got to class I got a text and saw it was from Izu 

~Texting between Izuku and Eijiro~

Izuku: Hey Baby~

Eijiro: Hey Love, what's up class is about to start

Izuku: Today you guys are going to the USJ and we are going to attack because All Might is supposed to be there

Eijiro: Just try not to hurt me too bad Love~

Izuku: No promises Baby~

Eijiro: Love you 

Izuku: Love you too

~End of texting~

I put my phone up the second Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom "everyone be quiet, as you know from the email we sent you yesterday we are going to the USJ to practice rescuing civilians from natural disasters" I smirked when I saw Bakugo not paying attention so I took the chance when Mr. Aizawa's back was turn to throw a note Bakugo's head "what the hell is this" he opened the note and looked back at me and I smiled

~The Note~

Hey Kacchan~ you wanna know how long me and Izu have known each other? If so find me in the back of school. Come Alone or else you'll regret it

We all get changed into our hero costumes and get on a bus that is going to the USJ. When we get there thirteen is waiting for us inside. We all stand around him while he explains what we will be doing here then all of a sudden a portal from down below appears and I see Izu and Shigaraki come out with Mange, Toga, Dabi, Giran, Twice, and of course Kurogiri is the portal and a bunch of other small time villains, I feel a smile tug at my lips but I try not to smile and look horrified "THIRTEEN KEEP THE KIDS SAFE AND DON'T LET THEM FIGHT UNLESS NEEDED TO" Mr. Aizawa jumps down to fight the villains and I see Izu wink at me, then Kurogiri appears and pulls me and Bakugo into a portal separating us from the rest of the class "Hello Love~" I say and hear Izu chuckle "I finally get to talk to Kacchan alone in how many years has it been~" Izu comes out of the shadows with a mask on "De-Izuku please don't do this, I'm really sorry, I was devastated when you jumped" my face looked like I was insane "IzUkU i'M sOrRy, DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M YOUR FRIEND KATSUKI, YOU TOLD ME TO KILL MYSELF BECAUSE I WAS QUIRKLESS BUT I KEPT COMING BACK TO BE YOUR FRIEND AND YOU DENIED ME HOW MANY TIMES OVER AND OVER AGAIN" Bakugo looked horrified after Izu called him Katsuki "y-your eyes are r-red" Izu smiles like he's insane I mean technically he is but still "Love calm down you don't want to kill him" he activates his quirk making Bakugo look at him with surprise, I start walking towards Izu and whisper "Love we can kill him later just fight us and make it look like you attacked both of us without your quirk" he stopped using his fire but his eyes were still red  and he grabbed one of my arms "sorry Baby" he throws me over his shoulder and makes me land on my back "argh-!" Izu charges at Bakugo but gets stopped with an explosion "since when do you have a quirk Deku" Izu just smiles and keeps beating Bakugo up.

I pretended to not be able to move while Izu beat up Bakugo until Pro heros showed up, by then Bakugo was already knocked out and Izu walked over to me and kissed me before he left through the portal "bye Baby, see you at the base~"

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