~Chapter 3~

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~Izuku's POV~

The next day Dabi woke me up at the crack of dawn to teach me how to fire a gun. I got up and changed into one of my new outfits and we headed to an abandoned warehouse. Once we got inside Dabi pulled a gun from his jacket and handed it to me, he pulled out another gun and loaded it and shot a dummy which was set up at the other side from where we entered "I'm gonna teach you to master shooting a gun before we go meet the guy" I nod and load my gun and try aiming for the dummy's head and surprisingly I got it on the first try. When I looked at Dabi, he was smiling so much I could see his staples falling out "Dabi your staples" he stopped smiling and took out his phone and looked at his face "shit.... hey kid we are gonna have to stop at the pharmacy on our way back after training" I nod and keep practicing until I could beat Dabi's personal best at shooting the dummy but I was really wondering if I could actually shoot someone, wait what am I thinking I want to be a hero, but how can I be a hero if I'm supposed to be dead, then again the only person that knows I'm dead is Kacchan unless he tells everyone then I'm screwed but I still like hanging out with Dabi.

When we were done Dabi started heading in the direction of the pharmacy so we could grab medical staples for his burnt face "hey burnt chicken nugget" he turned around angrily "what did you call me" I just smiled and repeated what I said "first of all don't call me that and secondly what do you want" my smile disappeared "well I was wondering how long it will take us to get there" he rolled his eyes and turned back around to continue to walk again.

Once we arrived Dabi gave me a mask and put on his own and we walked in. We started walking towards the desk and the girl there was looking at us with a confused look on her face "how may I help you gentleman" I nudged Dabi as he looked at me "do you have medical staples I could buy or whatever" she nods and heads to the back. After around like 30 minutes of waiting Dabi gets impatient and I see his hand igniting when the lady comes back without anything. I quickly grab his hand to make him calm down "sorry sir you have to book an appointment with your doctor if you need medical staples" I see on the counter next to us is 2 big packs of medical staples so I text Dabi to create a diversion so I can grab them for him. He nods and brings his hand up and activates his quirk scaring the lady making her duck down so I quickly grab the staples and run out as Dabi follows laughing "your crazy kid" I smile and take off my mask "I have a lot of skills that no one knows". We go back to the motel so that Dabi can put his staples in.

While Dabi was putting his staples in his burnt ass face I got a text from Kirishima.

~Texts Between Eijiro and Izuku~

Kirishima: Hey cutie, what you up to

I smile at the text and start typing

Izuku: Nothing much just chilling, what about you

Kirishima: Kinda bored, wanna hangout with me

Izuku: I'll have to ask my...um....brother?

Kirishima: You don't know who to ask 😂

I roll my eyes at his text "HEY DABI" he pokes his head out of the bathroom "can I go out for something" I say blushing at the thought of hanging out with Kirishima "sure just be back before midnight" I nod and go back to texting Kirishima

Izuku: Hey I can hangout, where do you want to meet

Kirishima: How about the coffee shop on ********** street

Izuku: Sure see you in 30 minutes

Kirishima: Sounds good

Izuku: Bye

Kirishima: Bye cutie

~End of Texting~

I grab my mask and start heading towards the coffee shop when I hear a familiar voice coming towards me "why did this have to happen to me" it was Kacchan's voice behind me so I started walking faster till I couldn't hear him anymore. I finally arrived at the place me and Kirishima were gonna meet and I walk in to see him sitting at a table looking out the window then turns to me and waves me over "I wasn't sure if you were gonna show up" he says laughing, I take off my mask and sit down in front of him "so you really wanted to see me didn't you~" I say as he blushes "maybe but what would you like to drink I'll go get us some drinks" he starts to get up after I tell him what I want. I start looking around the place and it seems kinda familiar then I look over to where Kirishima is and I see my mom behind him so I quickly put my mask on and turn back around.

A few minutes later I hear Kirishima's footsteps coming back over here"hey I got our drinks, the cashier was taking forever but I'm back" I take off my mask and smile. We talked for hours until it was dark out, I heard Kirishima sigh "damn I had a lot of fun today but I better get going before my moms get worried" I looked at him with confusion "moms? do you have 2 moms" he nods and gets up "I'll text you when I get home or the other way around~" I nod and get up as well "I better get going too, my...um....brother wants me back before midnight" Kirishima nods and hugs me before walking out the door leaving me flustered but I leave soon after him. By time I arrive at the motel it's 12:15am so I try to be quiet when I go into the room but that failed miserable because I knocked the lamp off the nightstand causing Dabi to wake up "where the hell have you been" I shrug and lie down on the bed when I get a text from Kirishima.

Kirishima: Goodnight cutie~

Izuku: Goodnight Kiri

I finally fell asleep after an hour of replaying the last message that Kirishima sent me.

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