~Chapter 9~

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~Eijiro's POV~

"Bye, Baby see you at the base~" Izu said before going through a portal. Bakugo was completely passed out when one of the Pros came to get us "was it just you two in this area" Midnight helps me up then picks up Bakugo "I think so because the villain only attacked us" she nods and we go to meet the rest of the class. When we arrived back with the rest of the class the police were questioning them about the villain attack.

~Izuku's POV~

When I walked through Kurogiri's portal I ended up in an alley way close by where me and Kacchan used to go when we were kids but then when I looked closely at the slide I found a little girl so I walked over to her "hey what's wrong and why are you under the slide" she jumped when she heard my voice "y-yea I-I'm ok" I smiled which made her smile "would you like someone to hang out with you" she nods. After me and the girl sat in silence for a while I started feeling really weird so I texted Kurogiri to pick me up "what's your name" the girl looked at me she looked at least 12 or 13 "H-Hito" I smile at her "nice to meet you Hito but I have to leave" she hugs me before I leave.

I walked to alleyway to find a portal, I walk through to Shigaraki yelling at Kurogiri "Shut the hell up, I'm right here dumbass" they both turn to face me "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" I roll my eyes and head to my room because I started feeling even more weirder.

~4 hours later~

I woke up to the sound of Ei walking into the room "hey Love" he sits on the edge on the bed so I crawl onto his lap and face him "someone missed me~" I rolled my eyes and pulled him into a kiss while rolling my hips on his lap, he let out a groan "not right now Love~" I make a pouting face "we can do it when the others leave or in their rooms" I sigh and start to stand up when he pulls me back down and kisses me again "you forgot my kiss~" I get up and head to the bathroom because for some reason I have this want to have sex.

~Eijiro's POV~

Izu got up and walked to the bathroom 'did I say something wrong' I got up and walked to the door and heard him groan so I opened the door to see him jerking off "Ei, it's not what it looks like!!" I keep looking at him in shock "sorry I didn't mean to walk in on you but do you need help" we both blushed but he nodded so I walk over to him and sit next to him "you don't have to do this you know" I sigh "I'm your boyfriend so it's kinda my job to help when you have a boner" I grab his cock and start stroking it "Mm~" I start stroking it faster "Ahh~" his moans are turning me on but I can't do anything because the rest of the league is in the living room or at the bar "you don't want the others to hear, do you~" he quickly covers his mouth with his hands, I chuckle and keep going until he reaches his climax. "Did you like that" he nods "I want to hear you say it~" he blushed even more "I-I liked it" I smile and start washing me hands "Oh something interesting happened today after you left" he looks up at me "I saw Kaminari comforting Bakugo and didn't get yelled at" Izu smiles and pulls me to the bedroom "I don't hear anyone in the living room and bar so how about we do it right now, hm~" I smile and pin him to the bed "what's got you so horny, Love~" he just smirks and kisses me.

I pull his shirt off and start trailing kisses down his body till I reach his nipples, so I start licking and sucking on them "Ahh~" his moans keep turning me on so I start unbuckling his pants "hurry Daddy~" I quickly take off his pants and start fingering him, Izu's moans kept getting louder making me even more turned on "m-more" a smirk tugged at my lips "what's my name~" he started moving against my fingers "E-Eijiro~ Aah~" I smirk and shake my head "D-Daddy~" I pulled my fingers out and slid my cock inside his hole making him a moaning mess.

~Dabi's POV~

I was on the couch in the living room when all of a sudden I hear moaning coming from the kid's room and I thought 'are they seriously having sex after the attack' Igroan and walk to the bedroom door and knock "WHAT DO YOU WANT" I roll my eyes "I was just coming to tell you to shut the fuck up I can hear you from the living room" I went to walk away until the kid said something "Ah~ Daddy faster~" I bang on the door "SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP YOU LOUD ASS BITCHES" I hear the kid laugh so I roll my eyes and go to my room.

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