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   Oh crap, I'm late! Damnit. I can't be late. Not today. I gotta make it to first hour. We're getting new students and I'm showing them around. What did Mr. Smith say their names were again? Gon and? Ugh. It's not worth remembering right now. As I walk in the doors to building A I see my first hour teacher standing outside of his door. "Hello Mr. Smith!"

   "Hello Y/N. How are you this morning?" Mr. Smith asked me. I don't want to be rude, so I decide to ask him about the new kids in a moment.

   "I'm ok, you?"

   "Oh I'm fine. Why don't you head into class?"

   "Actually, I was wondering if the new kids are here yet?"

   "No." Wow. That was blunt.

   "Can you tell me what their names are again?"

   "Gon and Killua. Now please, if you'd get to class-"

   "Ok, ok. I'm going. Please let me know when they get here."

   "Ok, Y/N." I walk into the class and sit at my usual spot. I decide to pull out my sketchbook while I wait. As I'm drawing, Mr. Smith comes in and tells us to pull out our notebooks. As I start to pull mine out I hear the classroom phone ring.

   "Uh huh. Ok. I'll send them right away. Y/N! Their here."

   I quickly stand up and start to head to the office. I pass Ms. Tiana, one of the office secretaries, in the hall and wave a quick hello. I finally reach the office and open the doors. As I step inside I see a familiar sight; Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Theo working, a door to the principal's and nurses' office, a couple plants, and a few chairs. In those chairs sit two boys. One has spiky, black hair with green tips. I can't quite tell if his eyes are brown or hazel. The other has pure white hair. My guess is that he is albino? He also has blue eyes. He is quite attractive, I have to admit. But just because he may be pretty, doesn't mean I'll like him. Either way I'll try to be these guys' friend. "Hello! I'm Y/N. You must be Gon and Killua. I'm here to show you around."

   Quickly the one with green hair stands up. "Hi! Yes, I'm Gon and he's Killua!" He seems pretty excitable.

   "Yo." Looks like the one named Killua is more calm. He has a smooth voice that already seems matured.

   "Alright, now that we've all introduced ourselves, how about I show you around building A first?"

   "Ok!" Gon says.

   We start to walk and I point out different classes to them. Once I finish up with building A I move on to building B. "This is where the councilor's office is, and next to it is the social worker. Over this way is Miss Fiona's room." Once I finish up giving them the tour the school day is pretty much over.

   "Do you wanna just skip the rest of class? The day's almost over." I ask. The boys nod so we just chill and talk for the rest of the day. As soon as school is let out we say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.


Ok! We are done with the first chapter! Sorry it took me so long to write this, I've been dealing with a bunch of school stuff. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter! Bye!

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