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As I walk up to the school gates I see Gon rushing towards me. "Hi!" He yells. He is so energetic.

"Hey." I see that Killua isn't far behind and say hi to him as well. I guess this means that us three are friends? "How are you guys?"

   "I'm ok. You?" Gon says good and waits for my response.

   "I'm fine. Wanna walk to class together?" We all happen to share a few classes, one of them being first hour.

   "Sure!" Gon says excitedly. We all start walking to Mr. Smith's class and chat on our way. We get there and start math. We have P.E. together next, then we all have different classes, mine being social studies. After that I have band, and to my surprise, I see Killua there.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I play percussion."

"Same! How crazy is that?"

"I don't know. When I joined I really wanted to play like an actual drum set."

"Again, same. Maybe we can look for lessons together or something?"

"Sure." We both grab our instruments and set up. I look over and see Sage, the other percussionist. She has the xylophone in front of her and is warming up. Killua is on my other side and has a snare drum, same as what I'm on today. We start working on a new song and finally it's my free hour. It ends up being Gon and Killua's free hour too, so we decide to eat lunch together.

"What are you eating?" I hear Gon ask us.

"Some ramen in a thermos." I respond.

"Just some chocolate. I'll be able to last till I get home. What about you?"

"Some soup that my Aunt Mito made!" We are all sitting outside of school in the courtyard. The sun is beating on my back, making my hoodie uncomfortable. I take it off and set it to the side.

"So what are your favorite shows?" I decide to ask. Things are kind of getting awkward, so I figure ice-breakers may help.

"Pokémon! I also really like Sailer Moon and stuff like that!" Gon replies.

   "I'm not sure, maybe Demon Slayer? How about you?" Killua asks.

   "I'd probably say (favorite show, F/S for short)." I look around trying to find something to talk about. I suddenly hear Gon start talking.

"I spy, with my little eye, something green!"

"Is it the tree?" I point towards a tree and he says no.

"The grass?" Killua guesses. Again Gon shakes his head no.

"Your shirt?" I ask.


"Ok, I spy with my little eye, something purple." I say.

"The wildflowers?" Killua immediately guesses.

"Yeah, I guess there aren't all that many purple things around here, huh?" I chuckle. I check the time on my phone and see the hour is almost over. "Hey it's almost time for next hour to start, I'll see you later."

"Wait," Gon says, "We should exchange numbers!" Before I can say anything he has his phone out. I see that Killua's also pulling his out, so I give Gon my phone so he can type his number in. Once he's done he hands it to Killua. He starts typing his number and once he's done he hands it to me.

"Ok, I'll see you guys later." I walk away and start heading to fifth hour. ELA goes by quickly and it's sixth hour already. I walk to my Botany class and see my classmates. I sit down and see Gon walking in. "Oh hey Gon."

"Hey Y/N!" He sits down next to me and pulls out his notebook. That reminds me to pull out my own. The teacher walks in and soon begins the lecture.

Class is finally over and it's time for seventh hour, our Home Ec. Gon and I decide to walk together and we meet up with Killua on the way. When we get inside we take our seats. I look up at the board and see we're learning how to stitch up a wound. The teacher walks in and tells us good afternoon. He then starts lecturing, causing me to scramble for my notebook.

   "Finally, school's out. I've gotta head home, I'll see you guys later." I start to walk away but see Killua and Gon walking the same way.

"I guess our houses are the same way, huh?" Killua says. We continue to walk and Gon ends up at his house first. Not long after we get to my house.

I'll see you later!" I wave bye to him and he starts to walk off. I get inside and finish up my homework, eat dinner, and after a few hours I fall asleep.


Finally I'm done with chapter 2. Sorry it took me so long to get this out, also feel free to tell me if you have any ideas for the story. I might use them! See you later!

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