Chapter 5

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A/N: sorry for such a short chapter just wanted to get something out :p

I woke up to the sound of my alarm I set on my phone. Rolling over from my warm bed I hit snoozed. Grumbling, I pushed myself further into the comforter and fell back asleep. Soon after, my alarm went off again. With an even louder groan I got up to turn the alarm off. Trying to sayver the last bit of heat that was left in my bed, I sat on my phone and scrolled through tumblr. I had to pee really bad so I got up to the bathroom, as I was getting up I tripped over something, more like someone.
"What the hell." I groaned to the motionless figure.
I then realized it was jake. What the fuck was he doing in my room and when did he get in here.
" mhhhhhhhhhhh" he groaned, not wanting to be woken.
I knew he would have a hangover due to the amount he drank last night. I myself am very surprised that I don't feel like shit, guess I'm not a lightweight after all.
" What are you doing in my room? I could have been naked for all you knew!" I interrogated him.
He chuckled and spoke in a sweet morning voice, " Josh snores like an old old man, so I usually crash in here. I kind of forgot you were in here, so I crashed on the floor."
" couldn't you just have taken the couch downstairs." I asked him leaning against the door frame in the bathroom.
" I don't like the couch, it's uncomfortable" he said with a scrunched brow.
" sooooo... you took the floor. How could the floor possibly be more comfortable than a couch?" I asked bewuthered.
" I don't know, it just is." he said, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head. I then realized he was shirtless. I quickly looked away not wanting him to feel uncomfortable with my staring.
" Well I'm going to go to the bathroom and get changed so can you leave." I asked unsure.
" Oh yeah, umm sure. I'll be down stairs making breakfast. The others probably won't be up for a while." he said while walking out the door.
I went to the bathroom and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. I put on an oversized sweater and a pair of yoga pants. I also paired it with my big, fluffy fox slippers. I looked in the mirror to see the dark circles under my eyes and decided to put some light makeup on. I hate traveling. Whenever I do I always feel like ass the day after. I applied some light concealer with setting powder and some eyeliner, because god knows I can't live without it.
I quietly made my way down stairs trying not to wake anyone, until I heard a loud crash.
I then rushed to see what it was.
"Oops." Jake said, looking guilty with a shattered glass all over the floor.
" Don't move, you don't have shoes on. Where is the broom?" I demanded him.
" In the closet next to the dishwasher." He replied.
I made my way to the closet and swiftly looked for the broom. Once I found it, I rushed to clean up the mess this toddler made. However when I got there, I saw Jake holding his hand wrapped in a paper towel.
"How could he have done something, I literally left him for less than a minute." I thought.
"I cut my hand." He said with such innocence.
" I can't leave you anywhere now can I?" I said chuckling.
I cleaned up the shards of glass as fast as I could without getting hurt, So I could tend to Jake's wound. I looked under the sink to where I knew the first aid kit was, and brought Jake to sit at the table. He opened his hand to show me the small cut that was on his hand. I first looked to see if any glass was still in the cut. There wasn't. So the next step was to clean it with an alcohol wipe. Of course he whined like a baby, and I told him to quit it. Before you knew it he was bandaged and good as new.
" You like taking care of people don't you?" Jake spoke sincerely while still sitting at the table.
"I guess, Since my mom left I kind of just filled in the position myself, you know?" I spoke
" I'm sorry your mom left." He said in pity.
" I never met her so it's fine." I gave him a light smile.
There was this awkward silence before Jake spoke
" want breakfast?"

I see it, eat through every word I sow

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