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A/n: I have never written a fanfic before lol. My friend and I decided to do this just out of the pure creativity of writing. Please tell me if there are mistakes and comment what you would like to see:))) I am also in school rn so updates won't be regular.

" Shit it's cold" I said bitterly, stepping out of the car.
"This is Michigan, June" my dad chuckled as he spoke.
I stayed silent as he looked at me. He could read me like a book.
" I know this is a big change, but I think you'll end up liking it," he said sweetly.
" ... I'm just scared." I whispered looking down.

My dad got fired from his job in downtown New Orleans as a technology retailer. The tech company called 3 months ago telling him they were downsizing and had to let him go. My dad couldn't find a job and money was already short. A few calls later we had a plane to Michigan to stay with my aunt for a while, just so we could get back on our feet. My dad grew up there, but when he met my mom, he left to live with her in New Orleans. In the end that didn't end too well. Long story short, I've never met her. I guess she just birthed me then up and left. I don't know and frankly don't care. My dad is my best friend and I wouldn't have it any other way, even if it meant living in Michigan for a while.

"Did you grab everything?" I asked while making the last check of the rental car.
" Yes, June," he responded shortly.
I looked up the homely bricked house. The smell of hickory flooded my nostrils signaling a fireplace. Warmth I thought. I hurried up the crooked wood steps onto the porch.
" Someone's in a hurry." My dad smirked.
" shut up." I replied sheepishly.
I rang the doorbell and soon after I was engulfed with a comforting hug.
" Juniper!" aunt Jess said into my shoulder as she hugged me.
" You've grown so much!" she exclaimed.
"No shit sherlock I haven't seen you since I was eight" I thought to myself before she let go.
She went over to hug my dad and I swiftly made my way inside to find warmth. Took my coat and boots off then headed toward the living room. I heard talking... last time I remember her kids graduated and she is divorced. (Marriage doesn't seem to end well in the family) as I made my way around the corner and saw a group of boys and one girl sitting on the couch.
" hi"

~And when you're ready open your eyes and begin~

Can I Believe You || Sam KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now