Chapter 6

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A/N: NUMBER 9 in GretaVanFleet tag!!! Omg thank you guys so much. School has been super boring so I'm going to be writing more often. Again thank you guys so much <3

I woofed down my eggs and a piece of avocado toast. I know it's very basic but trust me it's great. I got up after eating and started to do the dishes in the sink. Jake was still eating at the table while looking at something on his phone.
" What are you planning on doing today?" I said, trying to make conversation.
He replied, still not looking up from his phone, " Probably practice with the boys."
I remembered last night, Sam told me he was in a band with his brothers.
" You mind if I watch?" I asked
" Yeah, sure I don't mind. I think it might do us some good having some fresh ears." he said finally looking up from his phone.
    I was drying the dishes when I heard a loud groan and heavy feet coming down the stairs. Sam appeared but then tripped on the last step and collided with the floor.
" Is your family always this clumsy?" I shook my head looking at jake.
He just shrugged. Sam finally made his way off the ground and went straight to the fridge, and cracked open a beer.
" That's how you cure a hangover?" I said, baffled.
He finally made eye contact with his deep brown eyes, " yes, reverse psychology."
That made me giggle.
Josh was the last one to come down, he was rubbing his eyes and yawned. I hoped he wouldn't hurt himself like the other brothers had. Luckily he made it down the stairs just fine and immediately b-lined for the coffee machine. Sam was sitting on the counter next to the sink while Jake was still sitting at the table, nursing his tea.
" Can you make me a cup?" I said to Josh across the kitchen.
He jumped, forgetting I was staying with them. "Jesus Christ, you scared the actual shit out of me. I forgot you were her."
" Clearly." I replied.
    After making his cup and mine he came over to the table to sit next to jake. Sam was cooking something. When Jake said,
" Juniper is going to watch our practice, is that alright?"
Sam whipped around, " Absolutely not."
I was beyond shocked at this, not even twenty-four hours ago he was bragging about how amazing his band was, and how he couldn't believe I hadn't heard about it. What an actual dick.
" What the fuck Sam, you could have been at least a little nicer about it." Josh said, baffled at his brother's outburst.
"No, no it's okay I get it. I wouldn't want to intrude on something if it made him feel comfortable." I said, giving them a kind smile.
" I'm probably going to go around town, since I haven't been here in a while." I said trying to make them not pity me, or make me feel left out. Sam just took his food to his room and that left me with Josh and Jake. They were quietly talking to each other.
" We are sorry about him, he's just a hormonal angsty teenager." Jake said, rolling his eyes.
" promise me it's okay, I was planning on going into town today. I get it. I just came and intruded, sorry." I said before ascending the stairs back into my room.
I got back in my bed just to have some time to think about Sam. He is so conflicting, yesterday he was acting so sweet and normal, now he's acting like a complete asshole. I texted my dad to see where he was. He's always been a morning bird.
Me: Good morning! Do you have plans today?
Papa: Morning, no just grabbing breakfast with Jess.
We didn't want to wake you or the boy's since y'all
Were out late last night. We can check out if that one
record store we passed is Hiring? See you in about twenty.
Me: Yeah sure that would be great! See you in twenty <3.
    I got up and started getting ready. I know that I already got ready, but If that record shop is hiring, I want to look presentable. Going with a safe choice, I put on a nice sweater and some plane dark gray jeans. I pulled my hair into a claw clip and started my makeup. I already did my eyeliner so I just added some lashes and foundation, and made my way back downstairs. All the boys were gone, so I assumed they were practicing. I sat on the couch waiting for my dad to pick me up. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes. I didn't realize anyone sat down next to me until I felt someone tap my shoulder.
"Hey" Sam said with a light smile.
Does he enjoy bothering me, " hey."
" I'm sorry, it wasn't fair for me to push you away like that. It's just no one's ever sat through a practice. I just get nervous. Plus you wouldn't want to listen to Jake and Josh fight every five minutes." he said, bumping my shoulder.
" You are forgiven." I said simply.
He let out a sigh " okay good, I'm not usually like that, I don't know what came over me. I could take you into town if you want."
" I thought you were practicing? Plus I was going to a job interview anyway." I said I was confused.
" I could miss out on one practice, and I could take you to lunch after your make it up to you." he said with the tip of his ears and nose turning a bright red.
" Okayyyy. As long as the boys are okay with it. And let me tell my dad." I told him, smiling.
He immediately got up and ran up the stairs to tell Jake, Josh and to text Danny.
Me: Change of plans. Sam is taking me.
Papa: Alright! Have fun.

" You ready to go?"
~See what you need to, do you doubt it's yours~

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