Chapter 9

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A/N: Hi pookies :D last semester kicked my ass and so is this semester but its whatever. okay bye.

I ended up only drinking about half of the rootbeer float before I let Sam have the rest. About half way through his last slurp of the float our food came out. Our waitress set the Veggie club in front of me and the Regular club in front of Sam.

"Enjoy" the waitress said as she swayed away to help other customers.

Sam dug right in as I was carefully cutting mine into triangles. In between mouthfuls we kept a conversation going about whatever came to mind.

"Are you vegetarian?" Sam asked out of nowhere. He probably saw the surprise on my face and continued, "I mean I don't think I've ever seen you eat meat."

I felt my insides bubble at his taking notice of the little details about me.

"Yeah I am. I've been vegetarian for like three years now." explaining simply to him. "It was simple really, I just didn't want to eat animals. I have no hate for people who do." saying the last part not wanting him to think I was one of those people that hate and complain when everyone isn't vegetarian.

"That's cool I've always wanted to go vegetarian but I don't have the self control." Sam said with a little giggle.

" I get it, it's really not easy but if you ever decide to don't be afraid to ask me."

We ate the last of our food and started to head out. As we were walking back to the blue truck Sam stopped and turned to me.

" I just wanted to let you know that I had a really great time today and if you want we could hang out tomorrow. And again I'm sorry for being a douche about the whole band practice thing" Sam nervously said while playing with the necklace that laid at his sternum.

At this point I think him and I just got off on the wrong foot. He's been so sweet since the whole band practice incident. However I'm still hesitant on why he just blew up on me in the first place. My brain is saying one thing but my heart is saying another.

"Seriously it's okay I know you didn't mean it, and yes I would love to hang out with you tomorrow. Where are you thinking?" Seems like my heart did the talking.

He took a breath and continued walking to the truck.

"You haven't been to our house yet, so I guess we could meet up there. We have a firepit so we could make s'mores or something" Finishing his last sentence as we got into the truck.

"Yeah, that sounds great! What time are you thinking?" I said while putting my seatbelt on.

"I mean you can come over anytime know... just want to hang" He said putting the keys in the ignition and putting the car into reverse.

"Yeah sounds fun" turning up the radio.

By the time we got back to my Aunts house it was mid day and I was ready for a nap. Sam put the car in park and I slowly got out.

I turned to him as he was getting out of the car. "You can go home Sammy, I think I'm going to take a nap." Yawning to emphasize my tiredness.

He looked a little defeated but ultimately understood. "Alrighty, have a good nap" giving me a tight lipped smile while getting back into the truck. I swiftly walked into the house as the cold air finally caught up to me. I dropped my bag at the door, took my shoes off, and stomped up the stairs to go straight to bed. I didn't even bother taking off my jeans or getting under the covers, I just layed down and passed out.

I woke up a little disoriented and very uncomfortable, I was very warm however. I then realized there was a blanket draped over my body. I looked at the bedside table to see my phone plugged in and a cup of tea with a note.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!


~ Hasn't let me go~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2024 ⏰

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