Chapter 7

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A/N: Heyyyyyy. Long time no see. I've been so busy with college applications, luckily I got into my dream school!!! I'm hoping to post more regularly this winter. And thank you guys for the read it really motivates me<3

We jumped in the dark blue truck, just like the night prior. Instead this time I wasnt on his lap. Just a passenger.

So where are you applying? Sam said while pulling out of the driveway.

The record shop on main. I replied simply.

He whipped his head around,

No way! I work there. He said with excitement in his tone.

I didnt think you were mature enough for a job. I said giggling

Hey! Not very nice. He said, pouting a bit.

The thought of knowing someone at work gave me some comfort. Even if it was Sam. Honestly hes starting to grow on me more than the others. I think we just have more in common, emotionally.

The drive was a lot smoother than Joshs. Thank god! I get car sick easily. On the way Sam turned on the radio. Pop music blasted through the speakers.

What the actual fuck is this garbage? Sams twisted in disgust

Hey! This song is actually good. I said, slapping his arm lightly.

Says who!? He said returning the favor of slapping my arm.

I do, thank you very much. I rebutled while staring out the window.

Sam pulled into a parking spot directly in front of the store. The store looked very. Different. At least from what I was used to. It looked dark inside, with plants hanging from the window front. Small signs were placed on the glass door of bands performing in local bars. One stuck out like a sore thumb. Greta Van Fleet, Performing at Bobs Bar, January 7. That was this weekend.

We made our way into the shop. I was slapped in the face with the smell of incense, and the soft music that was playing in the background. There were plants and hanging lights everywhere. The vibe was je ne sais pas, phantasmagorical. There was a man with a long beard sitting behind the desk looking at his phone. He looked up from the bell ringing on the door,

Welcome to de- Sam? You dont have a shift today. You buying? He said surprised

No. No. My friend here has an interview. Sam gestured to me over his shoulder.

Well if shes anything like you shes not getting the job. Dealing with you is enough. He said sarcastically.

Is today bash Sam day or something? He said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice.

No sir, I can assure you that I am nothing like that idiot. I responded.

yup,Im leaving, Bye. You guys are mean. Sam said, pouting while crossing his arms.

We both giggled.

Im John. He said, offering his hand to shake.

I shook it. Im Juniper Jones.

If Im being honest we really need work. So an interview wont really be necessary. Youre hired. He said simply.

I was so surprised at his assurance. Are you sure?

absolutely! Im getting older and need more help around the shop. And you seem pretty trustworthy.

Thank you so much, sir. I said with gratefulness.

He shook his head, Just call me John. Sadly, Sam is the only one working so he will be the one training you.

Sam turned his head around at his name being said, What

Youre training her. John repeated.

Sam just huffed and then walked back to the desk we were standing at. John told me my first day was as soon as settled and able to work. We were still on winter break so Im able to work all week and part of next week full time.

We finished up and paid for the couple of 45s we got and left. The bitter cold was a slap in the face, and I made it known.

I dont think Ill ever get used to the cold I said, turning to face Sam as we walked down the road.

He chuckled as the tips of his ears turned red. I thought it was just from the cold, but then he took his jacket off and extended his arm to give it to me.

Sammy, you really dont need to. I said to him,

werent you just complaining about how cold it is? He huffed, putting the jacket on my head.

I thanked him quietly and pulled the jacket off my head. I pulled my arms through the oversized jacket arm holes and zipped it up. It smelled a bit like weed covered up with a lot of cologne. It didnt smell bad per say, justunique. Sam was about three feet in front of me and turned around. His eyebrows raised a bit when his eyes landed on me. He cleared his throat.

Where do you want to go to lunch?

I chuckled and responded, Sam, I just got here,remember, I dont know anything here.I mean the last time I was here I was like eight.

right, right, ummm. he thought for a moment. There's a small cafe like three blocks from here. They have some pretty good food and coffee.

Okay, cool, lead the way. I said to him with a kind smile.

The walk ended as soon as it started. Sam stood a foot length in front of me holding the door. I did that awkward fast walk to make it to the door and thanked him.

The cafe had a similar vibe to the record store. Dimly lit with plants on the window sills. Stained glass chandeliers adorned the ceiling. Old timers sat at many of the tables. There was a jukebox in the corner playing some soft, romantic music.

How many? The host asked us.

Two we both said in unison.

A slight awkward blush crept up both of our faces. The host returned with another question

Booth or table.

Sam looked directly at me indicating for me to choose. I really wanted a booth but didnt want to be pushy.

I really dont care, just pick, I said with a half lipped smile.

Booth it is. Sam said to the hostess who then led us to our table.

I short circuited on our way to our table. It was as if he read my mind and knew what I wanted. He probably just wanted a booth too, but I cant help but think about the small things that are very similar about us.

I sat down in the very worn and cracked booth seat while Sam sat across from me, Thankfully that is. I hate when couples sit right next to each other. There's no way you can comfortably have a conversation without getting a kink in your neck.

I picked up the laminated menu and skimmed the items. All of the things on the menu looked really good, but Ive been craving a good sandwich all day.

What are you getting? I looked up to ask him, but found he was already looking at me.

I dont know I cant decide Im thinking of get-

He was cut off by this obnoxious voice,

Hey Sam, havent seen you in a while.

~now Im learning the ropes never get this close~

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