Chapter 1

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"I love you too," I was looking at this lost puppy in front of me. Does he actually think I like him, let alone love him? I have never loved anyone and I don't think I will, that's that. I'm just in love with this diamond necklace that Jack just purchased me. It has pink diamonds encrusted in the design!

"Hey Nat, where you want to go now?" I pressed up to my 24 year old Entrepreneur 'boyfriend,' "You should take me out to dinner better?"

I said it in my usual baby, seducing tone. Poor suckers fall for it all the time. Yup I know, I got the skills of a master. "Sure anything for my baby Natalie."

I faked a laugh, and forced my lips onto his. Once it was over I was glad!


"He bought me a necklace from Jared, and took me out to Red Lobster," I was telling my friend Brianna.

Brianna is medium height, has dark hair, nice white skin and a nice body. She's from New York like I am.

"Girl, you are on a role! But-"

I cut her off with my groan, "But I shouldn't play with people's feelings, use the "L" word so freely, stop gold digging, blah blah blah! We live in a place filled with powerful men. NEW YORK! You know, you should learn something from me."

"Well, you should learn to stop being a hoe!" Brianna and I laughed. She frequently called me this, but we all know I'm not since I'm a virgin and proud! Credit card: check, Car: check, V-card: check.

"Well it's not my fault god gave me this beautiful gift of lying to men and getting what I want."

"Natalie, obviously men are going to believe what you said even before you said it! I mean look at you! You are tall, tan, have nice gorgeous curves. Even under that sick, twisted little heart of money you have, you are a complete sweetheart, and the guys that date you, are blindsided by all of that! You are a great girlfriend material! And gift of god? You have people looking for you," she put her voice inot a whisper, "even drug dealers Nat. You have dated all rich men in the spectrum. What ever happened to Pedro's brother looking for you to avenge his death? He know's you killed him."

"Yeah I know I'm hot, I can't deny it. And geee thaannkkss! Pedro's brother? I wouldn't worry about him, I got him taken care of."

We were waiting on the breakfast line, when I gave the lunch lady a credit card, and Brianna asked, "You have a credit card? Since when?"

"Oh please, I have mine for special emergencies, or rare me falling in love! This is..what's his face again?"

Brianna scoffed,"His name is Carter."

"Really? Oh wow I thought it was Jack, but yeah this is Carter's. I told him that we could buy lunch in school, but I 'had no money' for the week so I pressed up to him and whispered in his ear if I could get his credit card. He's such a wuss I swear."

"Wow, I would love to see the day you fall in love, speaking of which, you heard who likes you?"

Brianna and I were already walking to our lunch seats with our breakfast in hand. I had waffles, bacon and eggs. Brianna had the same.

"If he has no money, car, or drives a wack car, not interested."

I said the last part in a sing song voice, but I was serious. I don't even want to touch a guy with no money, how disgusting right? I don't know why I'm the way I am, maybe because I have no father in my life, who left my mom when I was 3, and we were living in the streets, hopping from shelter to shelter until I was 13. My mom got back on her feet though, and now she's a rich doctor with a hot rich husband, so you can say I'm balling right now. I swore I would never be in that situation ever again, and never marry a dead beat loser.

Sadly though, since most boys in my school are filthy rich as well, they have no jobs. Don't get me wrong, I still free loaded off of a couple, but I'm kind of into older men.

"Wow Nat, that explains why more than half the male population hates you, you hoe!"

"Hey hey, I'm not a hoe. I haven't had sex yet, and I don't even make out with most of them. To me a hoe is when you date a lot of people, but do things with them. I don't I just take their money."

"So you calling me a hoe then!" Brianna said and I laughed. She on the other hand, got drunk and did it with anything that had a penis if she was in the mood, but I will give her the fact that she has been in a relationship of almost two years, and she experienced love.

The bell rang and I went off to AP Chemistry, and Brianna went off to AP Trigonometry. My chemistry teacher's voice sounds like a mixture of Morgan Freeman and Bill Cosby, and he always had a stick up his..well yeah. The AP Trigonometry teacher was an Asian girl..enough said!


So I'm in AP Chem when I got a text message from what's his face.

Hey baby :) I just thought about you hearing a love song :* - carter

Oh yeeaahh that's his name, I was forced to not pay attention and answered back.

Thanks :) I love you even more now :)- Nat

pssh, more like I love his wallet, but poor dumbass has no idea. My phone vibrated again, but I didn't answer. Lucky me though, that it vibrated when the class was quiet, and the vibration sounded like an earthquake.

"Miss Woods! No phones!"

"Yeah whatever," I mumbled and turned my phone off. He barely teaches so what's up with him? This was going to be a day filled with crap. Yay!

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