Chapter 184

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Time and hospitals have an odd relationship. Sometimes it feels like time freezes, other times it rushes by quickly and blends night and day together. Mostly, time drags on, the anxiety and nerves stretched along an hour that feels more like three.

Shouyou and Tobio were up all night. No sleep, barely any talking, just waiting. Worrying about the unknown while hoping for the best. They stayed sitting in their adjacent chairs, arms and hands always touching in some fashion. Off and on Shouyou rested his head on Tobio's shoulder and sometimes the alpha would rest his cheek against the omega's tousled hair. Tobio dozed off a couple times while Shouyou kept himself awake.

The only thing that bothered him with his own condition is his head. The concussion is not making things easy on him and he gets dizzy spells every once in a while. If the lights weren't so bright that would help and he is noticing his body is more fatigued than before. The bruise on his head throbs every once in a while but his anxiety lessens the pain. He knows he should sleep, or at least rest his eyes, but Kaiya is too important.

Every once in a while one of them would step out for a small break. Tobio was more willing but had to convince Shouyou and drag him out. Koushi, Miwa, and Shouyou's mother took turns sitting and talking with them. The three were as sleepless as the other two but took turns getting a restless nap in the car.

Shouyou watched Kaiya like a hawk. He wanted to know when she was about to wake up so she wouldn't wake up alone and scared. She'll be drowsy, but if he's next to her, talking to her and calming her with his scent, he's hoping it'll help.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Tobio untangled their limbs and stood up. He stretched his arms and back, sore from sitting in the chair for so long.


The alpha sighed and held out a cup, "Will you at least drink water?"

Shouyou absentmindedly took the water to drink, eyes fixed from Kaiya to the heart monitor.

Tobio felt his fear, too, as he stepped out of the room. They've both been so concerned about Kaiya waking up it's driving them crazy.

"Hey," Miwa said from her chair outside the room.

"Hey," He yawned.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" Her heart hurt at the sight of bags under his eyes and rumpled hair.

Tobio shook his head at their quieted conversation, looking over to see Koushi sleeping in a chair.

"Mom and dad kept trying to call your phone," She held out the device. "I told them what happened."

He realized he hasn't had his phone this whole time and hasn't missed it. Miwa must have grabbed it from Shouyou's room when they moved, along with a bag of the rest of their belongings from the car. He kneeled next to the bag and rummaged through it, finding Kaiya's stuffed cat he gifted her a while back. After examining it, he noticed a couple faded blood spatters on it.

"I cleaned it the best I could," Miwa said, "It wasn't too messy."

Tobio held the cat under his arm and took his phone, looking through the missed calls. "Were they even concerned?"

"It sounded like it," Miwa gave him a side hug. "I told them not to stop by, but I don't think they're going to listen."

None of that sat right with him. They didn't care about Kaiya and Shouyou before, they don't get to now. Tobio doesn't want to see them anyhow.

"Are you hungry?" Miwa patted his back, "Shouyou's mom went to find food."

He shrugged, knowing he should eat but not having the appetite for it. If he could get Shouyou to eat, that would be great since the omega is doing worse than him.

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