Thank You & Review

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Thank you for all the support since literally August of 2020. It took just over two years to complete this story and I couldn't have done it without you. I love writing. I've been writing on and off for basically 10 years. I've planned a lot of stories but have only finished one. Now I've completed my second one and it feels great, plus my first fanfiction. This is also the first time I've ever shared my writing with people, so I think it's really special I was able to share with all of you. I had so much fun writing this and you all helped keep the motivation going with your votes and comments. And of course I have to thank Haikyuu for existing, the Haikyuu storyline and characters made writing fun again.

Writing this book, reading your comments, hearing that you enjoy the story has literally kept me sane. Even though writing and posting this fanfic is one of the most insane things I've ever done. It was great. Thank you.

Favorite scenes:

-Beginning of the story, Kagehina getting together and Kiyoko/Yachi barging in on them

-Iwaoi moment when Iwa finds out Oikawa is an omega and pregnant and is very accepting/happy

-Hana being born/Tanakiyo becoming parents

-Introducing new Bokuaka kids

-Revealing KaiyaKagehina fighting. Sad but I liked the angst

-Iwaoi getting engaged/finding out they're having another set of twins

-Daisuga adopting Sayumi (And finding out they're pregnant)

-Stabbing Akaashi

-Hiroki scenting Rinako after he presented as an alpha

-Sanae and Kogane moments (w/ Goshiki too)

-Bokuto basically confessing to murder and Akaashi accepting it like okay whatever

I feel like I forgot some.

Things I'm glad I did:

-Be mean to Kagehina. As much as it hurt to break them up and then piece them back together, I'm glad I did. I really like how their story turned out and the good, bad, and ugly was entertaining to write. Having Kageyama leave was kind of an impromptu idea. I definitely didn't decide to break them up until closer to the time it happened, unlike so many other things I had planned for months and months. 

-Kaiya was one of the kid characters I developed after revealing Hinata's pregnancy rather than before. I wasn't sure what kind of baby Kagehina would have so I waited to name her and stuff. But it's fun to add in details spontaneously.

-Adding in Futakuchi's struggles and trying to improve himself. I wrote him as 'the bad guy' to switch things up and I'm really glad I did. Cheating, being a player, the dumb shit he did like kissing Terushima, I'm glad I added that so he could have a change of heart.

-Iwaoi financial struggles. I think that's something so realistic and a lot of people understand it. I'm glad I chose them as the ones who struggle because it tests their relationship and how well they can figure things out. We all know how I like to keep things realistic.

-Kept Terushima and Semi together even though I planned to break them up.

Things I wish I did:

-I wish I'd given that brief mention of Tsukiyamayachi actual content. I mentioned they were together in one chapter and barely had any interaction then moved things along. I got impatient with adding Kanoka to the story so I skipped over the Tsukiyamayachi relationship completely so Yachi and Kanoka could start dating. Although in a future, unrelated book I think it would be nice to revisit that ship whether the book focuses on them or they're side characters, I think they would all be good for each other.

-I wish I'd given Semi and Terushima's relationship more screen time. I really liked their relationship and should have written more about them, but so much was already happening.

-More scenes for the extra couples like Narita and Kinoshita, Kanoka and Yachi, Futakuchi and Shirabu, etc.

-Be nicer to kuroken. I shouldn't have followed through with that second "on screen" miscarriage. I was really mean to them when it came to having kids and I think it would have been nice for them to have a son, too.

-I wish I'd written one of the alphas reacting negatively to their omega/mate being pregnant. I think that could have added in more angst and relationship building if they reacted poorly. I sort of did that with Terushima when he wasn't sure about Semi being pregnant, but they made up quickly. I don't think Kageyama leaving when Hinata was pregnant counts as a bad reaction since he didn't really leave because of the pregnancy.

I'm really curious to hear your favorite scenes and what you're glad I did/wish I did. What scenes stuck out and made you feel emotions? I always enjoy hearing about your favorite parts of the story :)

The first chapter of the sequel is posted. Head on over to chapter 1 of Successive and see what Hiroki and Rinako are up to.

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