Chapter 201

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Goshiki mustered the nerve to show up on Kisho's doorstep. He somehow convinced himself to bring the gun along, tucked behind his back under his shirt. During his late night walk, a long one at that, he figured out the strong words he wanted to tell Kisho. Tell him off and finally show him he can't be pushed around anymore.

Each decision he made was done with determination, his jaw set and eyes focused.

And after all of his courage— he's not sure he has the nerve to kill him.

As enticing as it sounds, the thought makes Goshiki's stomach recoil in disgust. Would killing Kisho make him feel better? Or just as villainy as the alpha?

Goshiki still doesn't know what to do.

The night is quiet and leery. This motel and the area it's in is unfamiliar and creeping Goshiki out the more he looks around. He keeps fidgeting, his nervousness showing now more than ever. If he can't face Kisho with a strong-willed, fearless attitude he's done for.

The door swung open and Kisho harshly motioned him inside. He's looking at him with narrowed eyes, pissed off.

Goshiki jumped and stepped inside. He took a deep breath, hands beginning to shake. Mint overpowered the room and his stomach rolled. Disgust and nerves do not mix.

"I expected you to wait until the last minute," Kisho brushed his thumb over the omega's neck. "It's practically healed."

"I don't want to bond with you." He mumbled and looked away.

Kisho gripped his arm harsh, nails digging into his skin. He leaned in, "I don't care what you want. You don't have a choice if I point a gun at your head and tell you to do it."

Goshiki pulled away, stumbled backwards, "I'm not bonding with you. I'm not going to be trapped by you forever."

"Don't make this more painful than it needs to be." Nostrils flaring in anger as he spoke, "Forcing a bond is already painful enough."

A second passed where Goshiki wanted to give in. He wanted to stop fighting and let Kisho do whatever he wanted so it'd go away. Then, his rationale resurfaced and he realized there is no way to make this go away. If Kisho forces him into a bond he'll have to deal with a life of control and torture or die breaking it.

"I came here to tell you to fuck off!" Goshiki snapped.

Kisho lunged forward, sharp teeth aimed at the omega's neck.

Goshiki dodged and reached behind his back. He gripped the gun and pulled it out, aiming the end at Kisho. "Get away from me."

"You brat," Kisho eyed the gun with disgust. "What are you going to do? Shoot me?"

"I—" Goshiki struggled to speak, "Yes." He cursed himself for moving far away from the door. He's facing it now, Kisho standing between him and a getaway.

"Kill me. Pull the trigger." His mouth curled into a grin, "Fucking do it, brat."

The gun shook in his shaky hold. It felt wrong in his hands, awkward. Goshiki never expected to be pointing a gun at Kisho. His finger barely squeezed the trigger, taunting himself to pull it. He desperately wanted to.

"You won't do it, you're too scared." The alpha's eyes manically widened.

"Of course I'm scared," He shrieked, "You've terrorized me for over six years. And I don't even know why. Why are you like this?! Why did you have to choose me?!"

Silence settled between them, eyes locked onto one another's. The gun's aim unfocused because of Goshiki's wobbly hands. Even if he did shoot he wouldn't hit him, the close range won't help either.

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