Playing With Fire

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***Cam's new look and Jayson in MM.

"The one time I run a red light I actually get pulled over." I said to myself as I pulled out my license and registration.

I cracked my window just enough for us to hear each other. I watch way too much TV for me to get sucker punched by a cop for no reason.

"Ma'am, can you roll the window down?" He asked tapping on my window.

"I can hear you. Can you hear me?" I asked not looking up from looking through my purse.

"Yes, but--"

"Not to be rude officer, but-" I paused mid sentence when I looked into those gorgeous eyes that I noticed at my dad's birthday party.

"Hey, friend." He said with one arm on my car

"Jayson." I snapped myself from staring deep into his eyes.

"Yes, Camille. So about this ticket?" He started. "Can I see your license and registration?"

"You're really going to give your friend a ticket?" I asked trying to play the part.

He looked at me like I was dumb and said, "It's my job."

"Well, I'm kind of in a rush so can you give me my ticket?" I really did have an attitude because I knew I was getting out of it.

"Camille, I'm not going to give you a ticket. Have lunch with me again." He smirked.

"Give me my ticket, Jayson." I rolled the window down and stuck my hand out for the ticket as his smile faded. "I told you I'm married."

"And I told you I just want to be your friend. I only want what you want. Have a good day and put that seatbelt on. I'll text you." He tapped the top of the car and walked away.

I didn't have time to play with him. When I got work I walked in to everyone smiling and giving me the eye. I wasn't sure what was going on until I walked into my office to three dozen roses. There were red, white and the third vase held a combination of both. I smiled because I knew Brandon was always trying to make me happy. Even with our little birth control spat he wasn't spiteful or anything. He was just hurt that I wasn't up front with him.

I picked up the phone to call him, but it went to voicemail. He never listened to my voicemails so I didn't bother to leave one. I went about my day working and everything was fine until there was a knock at the door. It was Shannon telling me that there was another delivery for me. The delivery guy came in with another two more cases of roses. I signed for them and gave Shannon the eye as she was standing there waiting for me to read the cards.

"So what did Brandon do?" She asked laughing. "This is a whole lot of apology." She walked over and smelled the roses.

"He didn't do anything, but love me. They're just because roses."

"Mmhmm. So what did you do?" She asked with a smirk.

"Shannon, don't you have work to do?" I held the door open for her to leave.

"Fine. Fine." She held her hands up in surrender and walked out.

I walked over to the roses and picked up the card, but there wasn't any special message on it. I figured I'd just surprise Brandon when he got home. I sat there and thought up a whole romantic evening just for the two of us.

When I finally got home I started dinner and got everything set up for our little dinner. I even sent him a text telling him that I had a surprise for him. I had candles burning and our favorite songs playing. Two hours later there was still no Brandon. I called him multiple times only for him not to pick up. I blew out the candles and headed to bed. It was after midnight when I heard him come in and get in the bed with me. He tried to cuddle up with me, but I moved closer to the edge of the bed.

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