Uno, Dos...Tres?

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"What the hell? Cam? Camille. What is this? Cam, I know you hear-me."  We could hear him talking as he made his way upstairs. He paused once he saw Monique on the bed grinning and waiting on him.

"Hey, daddy."  She greeted him crawling towards the end of the bed.

"Monique? What's going on? What are you-where's Camille? I saw her car outside." He rambled until he looked in the corner and saw me tied to the chair. He was about to make his way to me when she spoke.

"Sharnice or Shar, baby and you better leave her right where she is." She got up and stood in front of him so that he wouldn't move.

I couldn't understand why these types of things kept happening to me. Each time ended worse than the time before. Sadly, I just had the feeling that one of us wasn't going to make it out that house alive. I prayed, but that crazy was a type of crazy that I had never dealt with before.

"G-General." I whispered in shock, unable to move.

"You know I like it when you say my name." He said smiling as he snatched me to him.

He still looked the same and he still made my skin crawl. Just being in his presence made me feel dirty and disgusted. At the same time both General and Brandon pulled their guns. Brandon's to my mom's head and General's to mine. He yanked my head back to expose my neck so that he could kiss it. I was already shedding tears, but when he kissed me I gagged. I literally vomited in my mouth a little bit.

"Daddy won't hurt you, Princess."

"What's wrong, Camille? Having flashbacks of all the fun you use to have with my man?" Cat asked. She glared at me and I could really see hate in her eyes.

"So you brought your child's rapist here? This is sick and I'm ready to blow your head off, Cat."

"You won't because of your precious wife over there. You kill me and he kills her. Ain't that right, baby?"

General must've nodded because I didn't hear him say anything.

"Camille, honey, mama needs a favor. We know how much you like doing favors for me." Cat taunted me and General laughed.

There was arguing and threats being tossed back and forth.I pretty much zoned out and I stopped listening for a second. Being in his arms took me on a trip down memory lane of him, Cat and sometimes other men would taking advantage of me. Four men total. I saw each of their faces and the things they forced me to do when I was only a kid. Tears streamed as I forced my eyes open to bring myself back to reality.

"Look, Mo-"

"Shar! I am not Monique. That little weak and pathetic bitch could never handle a man like you. I can't wait for us to be a family, Brandon. Me and Peyton already started bonding, baby." She smiled going over to put her arms around his neck, but he stepped back from her.

"Okay. Shar, look you and I will not be together, okay. I'm not sure what's going on, but you need to leave."

"I'm not leaving without you!" She ran her hands through her head and started mumbling again. "You will not reject me! I love you, Brandon. Don't you see that?" She smiled while she wiped tears away.

"Just let her go. She's pregnant and stress isn't good for the baby. Just let her go and I'm all yours, I promise." He said walking towards me, but she rushed passed him and to me holding the letter opener to my throat.

My eyes bulged as I tried to let out a scream that was muffled by the gag she placed in my mouth. I pleaded with Brandon using my eyes that he would help me.

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