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Tennessee: *Walking around with AZ*
Arizona: Welcome to Railroad park with holiday lights :)
Tennessee: Are those lights on... cacti?
Arizona: Yes.
Tennessee: How'd you even manage to do that?
Arizona: Oh you just need a step stool, thick clothing, and gardening gloves then you're all set!
Tennessee: Why a cactus though?
Arizona: Well I mean we don't have a lot of pretty christmas trees and they don't suit the desert 
Tennessee: You mean like the Tumbleweed Tree we passed a few cities back?
Arizona: Exactly :)
*A truck pulls in*
Arizona: *gasps* ITS HERE :)
Tennessee: What? What's here?
Arizona: THE SNOW :D
Tennessee: *Even more confused* The snow?
Arizona: *pops out of truck with two large boxes of fake snow*
Tennessee: Why?
Arizona: To bring the children joy of seeing a white christmas
Tennessee: ...
Arizona: ... Fine it's for me :( IT ALMOST NEVER SNOWS HERE
Tennessee: *Pats back* I know Bud, I know.
Arizona: :(

(It's too early for Christmas... like nowhere close to it but who honestly cares at this point...)

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