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(Franklin being Franklin)


Tennessee: *Doing who-knows-what while ignoring Franklin*
Arizona: *digging through cabinets*
Tennessee: *Looks at AZ* What are you doing?
Arizona: *looks at TN looking half dead* I'm trying... to find the antifungal medicine *coughs*
Tennessee: I think there were some in the pantry next to my stash of guns.
Arizona: Okay... *limps toward the pantry*
Tennessee: *Keeps a cautious eye on Ari*
Franklin: Watch your step...
Arizona: Huh..? *trips on broom*
Franklin: *Snickers* Warned ya didn't I? :)
Tennessee: *goes and helps Arizona up*
Arizona: If I wasn't in so mu- *coughs and wheezes*
Tennessee: Ari, are you okay? Maybe you should sit down.
Arizona: N-no I can get it myself
Tennessee: Fine, but I'm staying close just in case *picks up broom and puts it up*
Arizona: Now... If you dont mind I am going to get my medicine *limps into pantry muttering 'ow' with every step*
Tennessee: *Frowns and follows him*
Franklin: (*smiles* This'll be entertaining)
Arizona: If.. that stupid dog is laughing at me SO. HELP. ME!
Franklin: Don't worry Ditch-kid, I'm saving that for when the good part happens. >:)
Arizona: *coughs*
Franklin: *laughs slightly*
Tennessee: Excuse me Franklin, but could you kindly shut the f*ck up...
Arizona: *leaves the room*
*Tennessee and Franklin start arguing with each other*
Arizona: *lays down on the couch*
Tennessee: *sees Ari on the couch*
Franklin: I thought you were gonna get your medicine by yourself in the pantry.
Arizona: *breathing heavily* Can... you not...
Tennessee: F@cK *runs to pantry and grabs the medicine*
Arizona: owie :(
Franklin: Really, owie? Just owie?!
Arizona: *wheezes* go... back... to the pit... that you were... born in.
Franklin: Nah, North Carolina won't let me go back there. :)
Tennessee: Franklin leave, PLEASE *gives the medicine to Ari*
Franklin: Oh, you're no fun. *disappears*

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