Part 1

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"Cmon Ms Shimura, one last push," a doctor said.

Inko groans in pains as she births Izuku. She hears him cry as she herself cries too because she now has a baby boy.

"Ms Shimura, that was only baby no 1. You have one more to birth," a doctor interrupted.

"Huh?" Inko said with wide eyes.

"Ms Shimura, you didn't know you were pregnant with twins?"


"Well you're gonna be a mom to a boy and girl."

After another hour of birthing Izumi...

"Finally... it's over... I have a boy and girl..." Inko sobs as see looks at her babies.

"You did a good job Ms Shimura, you should rest," a doctor said.

'I just wish... that Hisashi was alive to hold our babies... just why did he have to die...' Inko thought as her eyes close and her life leaving her body.

The heart monitor instantly drops and the doctor notices, "Ms Shimura! Stay with us, Ms Shimura!"

After an hour trying to resuscitate Inko...
"It's too late... she's gone," a doctor said.

"We'll reach out to any relative of Ms Shimura to see if any of them is willing to raise her children," another doctor said.

"Do that in the morning. It's already late. Put them in the infirmary for now and have security stay on guard," the main doctor said.

"Why do the twins need security? They're just like any other baby here," a nurse asked.

"While many may not know this, Ms Shimura's partner, the babies's father to be exact, was the no 2 hero of the United States, Salamander. Any villain out there would want to get their hands on the babies for any type of use, such as a weapon," the main doctor noted.




A window in the infirmary was opened from the outside and a mercenary-for-hire went up to take the babies.

'So these are the babies AFO wanted me to take...' they thought.

Before they could grab the babies, security came in, "HANDS IN THE AIR NOW!" with a gun pointed right at them.

'Fuck' they thought as they quickly grabbed the babies and teleported into an alleyway.

'Crap this alleyway doesn't look familiar, either way I have the babies for AFO, I can't wait until I get what I want from him, this was so worth if,' they smirked.

Unbeknownst to them, a man in red clothing appeared behind them about to slash a knife down on their neck. However, a giant Blonde man came out of nowhere and yelled 'Smash' as both the mysterious figure and mercenary were taken out. The blonde man realized that there was crying and went to the source.

'What are babies doing here? Wait is that one of AFO's mercenaries? First I chase after Hero Killer Stain and now this,' the blonde man pondered in frustration and anguish.

"ALL MIGHT, DID YOU GET HIM?!" a police officer said.

"Yes, I have the Hero Killer detained as well as another person who kidnapped these two babies,"All Might stated.

"What? Well let's have them escorted to Tartarus then. Probably the best to imprison them there." The officer said.

'What am I going to do with these babies though? It doesn't look like they have parents... I guess I have no choice but to raise them myself,' All Might thought.

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