Part 12

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Finally 1K reads! Never thought I'd reach it but I did, let's go! And just a day before my 24th birthday when I upload this too. Also minor disclaimer: my OC's birthday will also be the same as mine too. Now onto the story!

The Next Day
Home Room
"Well I watched each of your performances in the hero class yesterday and I mostly see the problem residing the most between Kaminari and Kyoka... your argument with each other made you two fail in teamwork and left you exposed to the enemy... if Kyden was truly a villain, he would've killed you two then and there," Aizawa stated in the most deadpan voice ever.

"No, if I were truly a villain, I would make their death very slow and painful while making them beg for mercy," Kyden deadpanned in a scary, monotone voice which made everyone sweat drop in comical fear.

"That's another problem... you're sadism knows no bounds... learn to stop that or you'll never qualify for either an internship or work study with a hero. Or even be a hero for that matter. Got it?" Aizawa groaned in annoyance.

"I make no such promises I can't keep... but I'll tone it down a bit," Kyden said in the same voice before while shrugging.

"Just why are you so sadistic?" Aizawa and everyone sweat dropped.

"I mean I am my mother's son, but you should also ask the scumbags that threatened to take advantage of my mom and sisters over the years," Kyden stated with a closed-eye smile as his sadism leaked out.

"Understandable," everyone said with a similar expression to Kyden's.

"Other than that, by the end of class, choose a class president, vice president, and a few other class officers," Aizawa said as he got back into his sleeping bag.

"How about we use a voting system to decide?" Tenya suggested as everyone nodded.

"If you vote for me, I'll shatter your kneecaps," Kyden said as he made gestures with his hands about breaking them which made everyone sweat drop.

Kyden Shisui - 10 Votes
Itsuka Kendo - 4 Votes
Momo Yaoyorozu - 3 Votes
Tenya Iida - 3 Votes

"Did you not hear me? I will literally break your kneecaps," Kyden said with murder in his eyes.

"Cmon Kyden just do it," Tsuyu said as the soulmates, Setsuna, Katsuki, and Momo nodded towards her.

"Okay so you eight voted for me, but who are the remaining two? Never mind, I think I know who," Kyden said as he pointed at Denki and Itsuka.

"YEAH," Denki said with his dumb smile which made everyone but Kyden laugh as the later went over to break his kneecaps.

"OW OW OW," Denki winced as Kyden was trying to hurt him.

"I told you I would shatter them," Kyden said with a murderous glint in his eyes which made everyone sweat drop.

"Ok enough with the kneecaps," Aizawa said as Kyden stopped then he continued, "you can use the rest of class as a free period as usual."

As class went by everything went fine until lunch came around. The alarms went off and announced a level 3 lockdown. Apparently someone had broke through the barrier making everyone think it was a villain. However, Kyden noticed it was only the press, so he summoned a whip and cracked it getting everyone's attention. He explained it was the press and they should calm down while Tenya helped with the proper procedure.

Meanwhile with Aizawa
At the gate
"How the hell was the barrier destroyed in the first place man? Like isn't it made out of the highest grade metal," Present Mic said dumbfounded as Aizawa saw a red glowing jagged "stick" literally sticking out of the side of the gate.

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