Part 14

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Thank you JaredJeskey for the vote for part 13! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

The Next Day
Izuku's POV
As I woke up, I could feel Kyoka beside me cuddling to my chest. I smiled at how adorable she was doing it. I caressed her hair which made her stir a bit but she stayed asleep. I chuckled at my own expense.

I got out of bed without waking her up and went into the common room. Denki was the only one in the common room at the moment and he was drinking an energy drink which drew my concern.

"Hey Denki, why are you up so early? And drinking an energy drink at that too?" I asked.

"Eh Toru kept me up all night and I couldn't really sleep... so I'm having this before class," he replied tiredly.

"Ummm Denki... were you not told that classes are canceled for the rest of the week?"


"Ehehehe... so how is your relationship with Toru?"

"I admit she's a bit too energetic and hyperactive but I really like her and, to be honest with you, she keeps talking about sharing me..."

"You serious??"

"Ask her yourself when she wakes up... now let me drown my sorrow with this drink," Denki said which made me sweat drop.

Kyden and Itsuka had come to the common room as soon as we finished our discussion. Itsuka had a giddy look on her face as Kyden stood close to her and hugging her by the shoulder. It was sweet knowing how Kyden would treat her and the rest of his harem with love and compassion. I'm also glad I look up to him as if he were my older brother. Nonetheless he gave me a brotherly noogie as we both laughed at it as well as Itsuka and Denki.

Kyden made the four of us some breakfast since we were already starving. He also brewed Itsuka and himself some coffee and tea for me which was nice. It wasn't a few hours later everyone woke up and got together. Toru pounced Denki as she started to kiss him repeatedly which made the later slightly annoyed since he was still tired even after drinking the energy drink. I quickly pointed out to her that he needs some space especially since he is pretty drained which she took notice of and sheepishly apologized for.

Kyoka pulled me by the arm as she dragged me away. The two of us went back to our room and Kyoka had set up some of her instruments so we could play together. We played for quite a few hours and we also kissed a bit which led to making out. We stopped ourselves from going any further when we heard a knock on the door. It was one of Setsuna's floating hands which pointed towards Kyden's room.

The two of us did as the hand told us to do. We knocked on Kyden's door and he opened it for us to come in. Melissa and Izumi were already in his room sitting on his bed which kinda left us confused until Kyden spoke up.

"So we need to speak to All Might about something, and it has to do with your relationship him, Melissa," Kyden said.

"What do you mean? What do I have to talk to Uncle Might about?" She asked.

"You see... there's no better way to say this, but one of my most notable quirks made by Channelize called Blood Flow allows me to analyze a being's genetic code, DNA, blood, etc... what I'm getting at is your DNA matches All Might's."

"What? That's impossible. My dad is David Shield, not All Might."

"My hunch is you could be a result of sperm donation. You think you could call your dad right now and put him on speaker?"

"Yes I can but I really don't believe this," Melissa said as she made the phone call.

"Hey Melissa sweetie, what's up?" David answered the phone.

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