We all have that one person
That gives you a will to live
That makes you wake up in the morning
That's the reason you breathe
That one person who will protect you over all others
That helps you with work
That pushes you through challenges
That's always there for you
That one person whose the cutest thing you've seen
That makes you warm and cozy inside
That you feel comfortable I'm their arms
That makes your heart skip a beat
That one person who you trust with your life
Who you get jealous over
Who you stay alive for
Who you'd die for
Now what if that got ripped away...
You never get to see them again
Talk with them at school again
See their sweet face again
Stay up on FaceTime again
Wait for them after class again
Get good morning texts again
Feel their soft touch again
Hear their voice again
Make funny videos again
Feel that special happiness again
Appreciate every moment you have
Cherish every day
Because tomorrow isn't promised
Text that one person
Give them all your love
Before you can't anymore
Live life to its fullest
Go out and do fun things
Go out and talk to people
Because that one person is out there
You've just got to find them
PoetryToday in school all I was able to write was the first poem so... enjoy? It's mostly super sad. I continue to add poems in this because sadness comes and things happen. (Also I get bored). I have looked up on the interwebs and apparently I have somet...