Part 2: Encounter with the Superpower | One of the Great Powers

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December 7, 2025

Custefai, capital of the Altian Empire, Wirenia Continent

One of the seven powers that rule the world, and the most easterly of them all, the Altian Empire, is a powerful continental nation that began unifying the Wirenia Continent 130 years ago, and now holds the eastern half of the continent in its hands. All of the countries that once existed on this continent are now tributaries or dependencies of this country or another powerful country that rules the western half of the continent, and the total population of the Altian Empire, including the colonies, reaches 40 million. The capital, Custefai, with its imperial palace, the symbol of its centralized power, is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 700.000. The harbor is lined with sailing ships-of-the-line and trading ships with gun decks, making it look like early modern Europe.

There are two Japanese people in the center of the city. They were diplomats sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their names were Nobuyuki Kawaguchi and Shinji Shima, and they were now at the Foreign Affairs Bureau, the department in charge of the country's diplomacy.

"I'm surprised they accepted you so early... Shima."

"Indeed... I was prepared for the worst."

As the two walked through the corridors of the building, guided by the attendant, they were surprised that the Altian Empire had agreed to negotiate the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The destroyer Inazuma that they had come in was anchored off the coast of the maritime trading city of Nospedi, about 350 kilometers from the capital. This is because the country has a maritime ban policy, and foreign ships are not allowed to come to the capital. Some bureaucrats were of the opinion that they should take an escort group to the capital and show their strength before negotiating with them, as they did with the Ilamania Kingdom, but this idea was put off because it would have hardened the attitude of the other side. Therefore, the officials in the capital had no idea of the real situation in Japan. The fact that their offer to negotiate went through so easily was unexpected for them.

A few minutes later, they were ushered to a room. Kawaguchi knocked on the door, and they heard a voice inside saying, "Come in."

"Excuse me."

When they entered the room, there was a man dressed in gorgeous clothes with a look that could only be described as "filthy rich". The man greeted them with a very irreverent attitude, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and his right elbow resting on the back of the sofa, even though he was in front of a guest.

"So you are the messengers of Japan, I am Anemia Plummer Vinson, Director of the Eastern Trade Department of the Foreign Affairs Bureau."

"...I am Nobuyuki Kawaguchi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. This is Shinji Shima."

Despite feeling uncomfortable with the attitude of the man who calls himself Anemia, Kawaguchi tells him who they are. There is only one chair in the room, the sofa he is sitting on, and the two of them are still standing. In addition, Anemia's demeanor was still the same, and he began to talk while holding a glass of what appeared to be fruit wine in his hand.

"Normally... I would have rejected an envoy from a barbarian country living in the middle of nowhere like you. However, the Emperor has ordered us to accept you. You should be grateful for His Majesty's mercy."

"...! Thank you for that."

Anemia did not even try to hide his condescension towards Kawaguchi and Shima. The two of them frowned as they were dismissed as barbarians.

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