VS Leviathan! (1)

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Homunculus Kingdom Offshore

Riding in a Type 20 amphibious vehicle with a dwarf observer officer, the three SDF officers who had been dispatched to the Homunculus Kingdom returned to Oga. Bartonella Hensele, an observer officer of the Homunculus Kingdom, landed on the Oga with them and saw a huge mass floating on the sea.

"...What is this place?"

Bartonella looked up at the vast space, and Kato, who was also getting out of the vehicle, explained.

"This is the well-dock and hangar on board the Oga. This ship is an 'amphibious assault ship,' and its primary mission is to land troops on land. Right now, the hangar is nearly empty, but when we conduct landing operations, we load all kinds of land-based equipment and vehicles into this hangar."


Bartonella sounded a bit dumbfounded. He is then escorted to the flight deck by Kato. There, two SH-60K Seahawks were preparing for the next day's force reconnaissance.

"This is the flight deck. Aircraft will land and depart from here to transport ground troops and supplies, and to attack enemy territory."

Bartonella gazed out at the vast flight deck as the sea breeze washes over him.

"...A black island."

Bartonella was simply stunned. He had seen the enormity of Oga and compared it to an island.


January 22

Oga Multipurpose Compartment

The day after arriving in the Homunculus Kingdom, the crew aboard the multi-purpose compartment of the Oga met together to discuss the upcoming survey of the Leviathan's strength.

"The purpose of the mission is to assess the enemy's strength! Fighting monsters is a tradition of our Self-Defense Forces! I expect you to do your best to live up to the expectations of your seniors."

The crew members responded to the words of the captain of the Oga, Ando. After the meeting, one of the participants, Leading Seaman Kensuke Futaki, asked his superior, Lieutenant Junior Grade Erisuke Komaki, about a comment made by the captain.

"Um, what does he mean by 'senior'...?"

"The SDF in the old monster movies."

Ando is a big fan of monster movies, which led him to enlist in the SDF. Knowing this, Komaki answered without hesitation.


The personnel are already in place and waiting for orders to be issued. Everyone seems to be somewhat nervous as they are confronted with a mission that they would never have to face if they were on Earth.

"Prepare for anti-submarine search!"

The order comes from the mouth of the deputy captain, Commander Kato. The first stage of the Operation to Defeat Leviathan, which had finally begun, was a survey of its strength.

"Launch planes as soon as they're ready!"

Once again, it was Kato who gave the order, and was relayed to the air traffic control room near the bridge via the ship's intercom.

Air Traffic Control Room

The flight chief, Commander Shoji, sends instructions to the SH-60K Seahawk patrol helicopter waiting on deck. The crew had already been boarded and were ready to take off at any time.

ASAHI NO NISHISEI - Rising Sun Goes West (1)Where stories live. Discover now