What Cultural Differences Lead To?

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Chapter done.

- Bokutotsu Zen'u


About 10 months after the end of the Altian War, Japan, which forced one of the Seven Dragons to surrender only a month and a half after the war began, had come to be recognized as a military power in this world.

In the past, Japan had actively sent delegations to establish diplomatic relations, but now envoys from various countries seeking friendly relations with Japan frequently visited the Governorate-General, which was their window on the continent. Japan's diplomatic stance of always seeking equal and co-equal relations, without discriminating countries seeking friendship based on their national power or technological prowess, while possessing a power greater than that of the Seven Dragons, was a kind of culture shock to the countries of this world in which hegemony was run rampant.

And on this day, December 8, 2026, the Governorate-General received from the Juperia Continent, the center of this world, the Atelica Empire delegation. As usual, they agreed to start negotiations to establish diplomatic relations as requested by the other side, and to confirm the location and date of their country in order to send an envoy from their side as well. Ten days later, a Japanese diplomatic mission visited Somarn, the capital of the Atelica Empire. No one in either country could have imagined that this would trigger an 'incident' that could have brought about a confrontation between Japan and the Atelica Empire.


December 18

Somarn, capital of the Atelica Empire, south of Juperia Continent

Foreign Affairs Office reception room

The Atelica Empire is a medium-sized nation that occupies a peninsula called the Wickett Peninsula and other islands in the southern part of the Juperia Continent located in the Central World, and is a powerful nation among non-allied nations. Three diplomats were sent to Somarn, the capital of the country. They were ushered into the reception of the Foreign Affairs Office, where they were met by the head of diplomacy of the Atelica Empire.

"Welcome to the Atelica Empire, members of the Japanese delegation!"

Rakim Stroma, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Atelica Empire, welcomed the delegation.

"We too are grateful for your decision to establish diplomatic relations with our country."

Noboru Nitta, representative of the Japanese delegation, returned to gratitude. His subordinates, Kazuya Endo and Shimon Aoi, bowed toward Rakim.

"Well then... let's begin our discussions right away."

After exchanging greetings, the two sides begin the main task of negotiating the establishment of diplomatic relations, discussing the rough establishment of tariffs and trades, the schedule for the signing of a trade treaty, etc. The negotiations meeting ended amicably as the sun set, with no particular problems or rifts arising.

"I am pleased to report to the Japanese government that the talks have been concluded under the following conditions."

After finishing his work, Nitta puts away the documents spread out on the table in his bag.

"Oh, please wait a moment!"

Rakim stopped Nitta and the others as they were about to leave their seats.

"There will be a welcome-banquet for the delegation at the emperor's residence later on. I hope you will be able to attend."

Rakim stopped them to invite them to a banquet hosted by the emperor. Not a few countries provide this kind of entertainment to diplomatic missions of the powerful nation of Japan. Hearing Rakim's proposal, the members of the Japanese delegation gathered around and discussed the pros and cons of participating.

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