Encounter of Two People

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December 28, 2029

The remnants of the 35-ship Lysania-Lievant combined fleet, which had narrowly escaped with their lives from the Battle of Glenkia Peninsula, finally arrived at their original destination, the port city of Miket Tirith in the Crossnellyard Empire, on this day.

The largest port city in the country, it was filled with warships from various countries and regions of the Empire that had signed up to participate in the Holy War, and the scene, filled with warships all the way offshore, was truly spectacular. Soldiers from all over the continent are anxiously awaiting the departure of their ships to the enemy nation of Japan, and morale is especially high among the Crossnellyard soldiers, who make up the majority of the fleet, as this war is also a revenge for the previous emperor. The stares directed at the losers who had lost so spectacularly were piercing, and no one welcomed Godfrow Cochlear, the commander aboard the Lysanian flagship Civille, and the surviving soldiers, a total of approximately 8.800 soldiers from two countries.

. . .

Same day

Imperial Palace, Lithianburg, Crossnellyard Empire

Two men were in an office on the first floor of the Imperial Pavilion, the residence of the emperor. Albrecht Freibranden, the military governor of the Imperial Domain, was reporting to the current emperor, Alphon I, who was sitting in his desk chair.

"The Imperial Domain Army stationed in Miket Tirith has just reported the arrival of 35 ships from the remnants of the Lysania Kingdom and the Duchy of Lievant."


Alphon nodded curtly at Albrecht's report.

"...What are you going to do about it? After invading the enemy on their own and being defeated with devastating damage, it seems impossible for them to participate in future battles..."

Albrecht informed him that the forces of the two main Irulan nations could no longer be relied upon.


Alphon did not reply to Albrecht's report. Instead, he stared at a spot on his desk, as if he were out of his mind.

"Um, Your Majesty?"


Albrecht called out to the emperor, who seemed to be in a vacant state. Alphon's face was flushed as if his mind had been called back to life, and he answered in a mended manner.

"Y-yes... Let them do what they want. They won't be much use to us now, but they won't be much use to us even more if we let them go back home."

"Yes, as you wish."

After listening to the emperor's order, Albrecht bowed deeply and left the office.

'Is that 'secretary' not here today? ...Who is he?'

As Albrecht closed the door to his room, he wondered why the man who always stands beside the current emperor was not here today. He seemed to be the new secretary, but his identity was not clear, and the common understanding among the ministers was that he was a suspicious man. The secret agent Oris had been dispatched by Pope Innocent, and few people in the government knew of his true identity.


At the end of the year 2029, a large diplomatic delegation was dispatched to this country aboard the destroyer Kaga leaving the port of Tokyo. Among the delegation are not only foreign affairs bureaucrats, but also doctors and young girls. Because this ship is sailing on the northern coast of the Wirenia Continent, which is above the latitude of Wakkanai City, it is shivering cold outside the ship, and even snow is falling from time to time. The people on deck were all wearing coats.

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