Chapter 35 Promises of a new day

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Authors Notes- There's a small easter egg in one of the dialogues. I just had to use. It felt so right. xD That being said, I won't do it again.

Chapter 35 Promises of a new day

When the dust settled, all that was left of the magical ring was a spiraling white cloud. In the breeze, it quickly dissipated. Everyone returned their gaze to the mysterious man who had single-handedly vanquished the monster with just a wave of his hands.

The wizard coughed, clearing his throat, and then flapped his cloak back to the attention of the others, particularly Zelda. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, where are my manners? Your grace, I am the wizard you have summoned. I am...Kelcifer–"

Zelda was still dazzled, unable to focus, and at a loss for words for a proper greeting. The girl was entranced by the wonderful display of magic she saw. It's not that she disbelieved what had just occurred, for she has seen even more astounding shows of magical forces before. But, those were never the doings of mortal men.

With the sealing power, it was different. She may have felt the gift overcome her being in that pivotal moment when she called upon it, but that wasn't her power. She was merely an instrument in the goddess' hand to enact her will. But, this display, however, was something entirely different, and it captured all her imagination.

Turns out she wasn't the only one who had questions.

A Starsguard escort swallowed his amazement and blurted beside her, "He's the Hylian overseer of the stonelands, under the tutelage of house Draene, and is Malifus's right hand, if I recall."

"Chief Hylian overseer..." Kelcifer corrected before turning back his focus on the princess, reaching for her hand as he bowed. "And your humble servant, your highness."

Simon groaned, having enough of the pleasantries. "Are we just going to stand here and pretend that the creature which stood before us now didn't just vanish? Explain yourself! What did you do? What tricks did you perform?"


"Yes, I heard all about you. You're quite the magician! And if it is no trick than how did you destroy it?"

"Destroy? Who said anything about destroying anything?"

"Then, if it isn't dead, what have you done?"

"Oh, he is quite alright, that I can assure you. Just, no longer presently with us."

"Obviously! We can all see that. You think I'm blind!? What sort of illusion is this? Where is he?"

"Bah!" Kelcifer huffed, now agitated. "The only illusion here is your delusions, man. You are so unwilling to accept powers that exist that are not of your understanding."

"Enough already," Zelda said, interrupting them both before turning to show kindness to the man who had performed the miracle. "But, that being said, my Lord, where is the creature?"

"Let's just say I gave the beast a change of scenery." He said with a mischievous chuckle before turning back to face the agitated Lord. "But, if you are so inclined to know, he is exactly one-hundred leagues in that direction," Kelcifer stated, raising his finger from his cape to point to the east, past the city walls.

Everyone gasped. Zelda could hardly contain her surprise.

Simon stumbled over himself in shock, unable to fathom it. It was beyond his comprehension. "One-hundred leagues!? Why, that would cast him halfway into the Eastern Sea!"

"Precisely, my studious one. So, for that creature's sake, I sure hope it can swim." Kelcifer finished with a light, low chuckle.

Simon stomped." Everyone knows bokoblins are deathly afraid of water. They drown at the sight of it."

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