Ruby and Yang

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Yang-hey sis do you think Blake is okay?

Ruby- Why does it matter do you not think Blake can handle herself?

Yang- that's not it, it's just she's with Weiss and...

Ruby- Yang do you not trust your commrads? Just shut up about it already they don't matter right now we need to focus on the mission at hand

Yang- sis... I noticed you have been really tense since this morning what's going on?

Ruby- Yang only say something if you see something suspicious otherwise shut the fuck up!

Yang was thrown back by her sister snapping at her Ruby requested they should go on a higher vantage point in order to see things better they did just that the went to the top of a clock tower and looked down on the city "isn't it beautiful up here?" Yang said as she looked at Ruby who was glaring at her even Yang could tell that she fucked up and immediately shut up not more than 15 minutes later Ruby spoke

Ruby-Yang I saw something let's go you better keep up

Yang- wait sis don't go!!!

Yang screamed for her sister to wait but it was too late she wasn't listening Ruby jumped off the tower plummeting towards the rooftops below Yang soon following
Yang- what did you see sis!?!?!

Ruby- Armored truck just shut up and follow me we won't get this chance if we lose it now just hurry up and try not to get in my way

The two girls continued running on the rooftops the armored truck came into view for yang as Ruby sped up she jumped off a building as she took Crescent Rose and shot one of the front wheels of the vehicle causing it to spin out Yang looked in horror as the truck crashed into a building barely missing civilians

Yang-Ruby what the hell was that!?!?! You could have killed people!!!!

Ruby- key word is I could've Yang also didn't I tell you to shut up?
Yang- Sis what is wrong with you? Why are you like this?

Ruby-Yang I swear to god shut up and focus on the incoming fight

Yang looked over and saw two girls coming from the armored truck they both they both looked the exact same with the same exact physique they opened the back of the armored truck and took a briefcase out and immediately started running "you aren't getting away damnit" ruby screamed running towards them all yang could do was follow

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