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Chapter 19
Pandora's Pieces

They told me everything. Including the things that I dared not to seek. Question that I never knew existed. But truth is... I desire for more. Because these eyes... they are looking at me as if I am the aswer. Without knowledge, I am lost.

Soon as I found out the truth. The feeling of finally gripping that understanding of my real purpose drifted away. For it was beyond my expectation. Now — in front of me is an endless castle... mine to control.

Pandora. They said it started 30 years ago. A decade after my clan started a revolution; the most deadliest and enigmatic agitation. My father, mother and families goal: to bring the Iron Snake down.

To free people from the Chivalry Game. To stop Carzuela's slavery. To see the outer world beyond the iron wall. That rebellion started chaos. Finally, after 250 years... someone finally voice out the wrong doing of this monarchy.

Back when I was still young, 4 years old. My grandmother use to tell me to shut the door. To cover my ears and never listen. I did not. From the salas, I can see them strategizing. They said too many things that I was too naive for. Yet, I understood them. We are on war.

Once my parents would head out to continue protesting and gathering people on the sentro, my brother would sneak me out of the house. Then we will play. After we came back one day, I heard my whole family crying, and screaming, and fighting. 

That day was the day my father was chosen in the Chivalry Game. A fraud. King Tobias V; Radzyn's father did it intentionally. To put a period to the Fierdon's movement. If he won't participate, as the rule indicated, our clan will suffer in behalf. So he went away. He died playing the game. Without saying goodbye.

3 days after — our clan was attacked.

The whole kingdom forbid anyone to say even the word Fierdon. If anyone does, they are traitors. And traitors should be killed.

All the protest and rebel my clan started all fell down. The dynasty they built for 40 years, in just 4 days... gone.

But that's what the rumors says. That it was long gone. True it is, Fierdons are legends. And legends never die.


╔════━─☾•   𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀  •☽─━════╗

Radzyn Carzuela


Victoreigna Fierdon


Guadencio Lavoisier

Prof. Cervin Lavoisier

Dr. Hanz Ulysses


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