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Hey guys let's start

He ate they both feed each other they eat there dinner

Sid took the plate and kept on table there

Then he made her lay down and laid down beside her

After sometime avu stood up

And was about to go when sid asked her

Sid : what happened do you want anything

Avu : woh i am not sleepy so i am going to take my sleeping pills and plus i am sure that i will get nightmare so

Saying this she was about to go when sid held her hand and pulled her on his lap

Avu : leave me ( she said while moving on his lap )

Sid : avneet stop moving 

Avu : no first leave me

Still moving

Sid : stop moving or else

Avu : what or ( releasing his meaning)

She sat still

Sid : thank you

Avu : leave me na i want pills

Sid : no are they given by doctor

Avu : no but to control my nightmare i eat them

Sid : you are not eating ok it can be dangerous to your health

Avu : but ( cut off)

Sid : no

Avu : then how will I sleep

Sid : i have an idea

Sid left her

And lay down on the bed and open his arms and guster avu to come

Avu looked at him with wide eyes

Sid : come

Avu gulp down her saliva

Avu slowly climb on the bed

And keep her head on his chest sid warraped his one  arm around her waist and with another one he started crassesing her hairs avi sunggled in his chest

And they both slept in each other's embarce

Let's see at abhinav's side

They ate there dinner and came to there room and sat on the bed

Abhi  : i didn't know that avu's step father has tried to rape her means no one can tell that she is totally broken from inside she always keep smiling and laughing

Vashi : i know and i can understand she was mean i can't even imagine to what has she gone through but we have to be careful because you know bua dadi she will do anything to separate sid and avu as she tried to do us

Abhi : hmm

Abhi went to change his clothes vashi went in balcony

Abhi came and saw vashi in balcony he went near her and back hugged her

Vashi quickly wiped her tears

Abhi : baby why are you crying

Vashi : nothing abhi just thinking about mom dad and missing them you know it's a long time they both left me i still remember mom dad's last moment with me my last birthday with them

Abhi : hmm but we can't do anything you know na its all fate

Vashi nodded

Abhi picked her up in bridal style and took her to bed and hoverboard her and started kissing her

She kissed him back they broke the kiss abhi started kissing her neck leaving hickey there then he kissed her cleavage vashi was moning his name  he joined there forhead

Vashi : let's sleep

They both slept cuddling each other

Meanwhile with aadit

Addit went in her room and called sm1

Aadit : hii how are you

Sm1 : fine you called me at this time any work

Aadit : ya ( _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________)

Sm1 : ok i will do your work but it will take atleast 2 months so is it ok because exams are going to come and he is staying with her

Aadit : ya

Sm1 : ok i will think something and tell you soon bye

Aadit : hmm bye

She cut the call

At morning


Sid woke up and saw avu sleeping in his arms like a baby with a cute pout on her face

He smiled and kissed her forehead and went to get fresh

He got fresh and came out and saw avu sitting on the bed and rubbing her eyes

Sid : good morning

Avu : good morning

She went and got fresh

They went down

They aye there breakfast aadit wasn't there because she left somewhere in morning

Avu Sid vashi and abhi went to hall which they booked

They reached and saw everyone already there

( Avu came in different car )

They went inside

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Byee 🥰

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