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Hey guys let's start

Sid : we are not married yet so control

Avaki: why baby we are going to marry soon right

Sid : i know but still i have a limit and i love avu now also so don't think after marriage i will let you do whatever you want

Avaki: what the hell are you saying we are going to get marry and you are saying that no you can't touch me have you lost your mind or what

Sid : Avaki be in your limits

They was a complete silence when sid turn he saw avika was still standing there

Sid : no why are you standing here just go

Avika: woh my doori got open can you tie it

Yes avika open her doori so that sid can come close to her

Sid : wait i will call someone

Avika : no need  plss can you tie because it will be awkward so plss

Sid : but

Avika: or else i will tell vibha aunty

Sid rolled his eyes because he knew that as per the plan va is with them so even she can't decline her

Sid : ok fine

He went little near her she turn sid was looking everywhere but not at her back

They was about to tie when Jann came in

Jan : sid vibha aunty is calling us get ready fast and avika come fast

Avika : ya sid tie fast

Jann : what happen sid

Sid : woh her doori got open can you tie

Jann : sure

Jann quickly tie the doori

Jan : now  come let's go avika

Avika stomped out off there

Jann whispered in sid ear

Jan : get ready boom is waiting for you

And she left and here our dear sid was confused

Sid turn to go to closest when avu came in glaring at him

Sid : baby you here

Avu : don't you dare to call me baby and what were you doing with avika

Sid : i nothing

Avu : sid don't lie you were romancing with her how how dare you i will kill you ( angrily)

Sid : avu baby she was  telling me to help ( scared)

Avu : and you were helping her if i won't have send Jan then toh you both have made love each other right ( yelled)

Sid : avi nothing like that and wait what do you mean you send Jan here

Avu : ya i was going in vashi Di's room when i saw how she was getting close to you and you were also not saying anything to her just then i saw Jan going from there and i asked her to check just wait for night mr Nigam just let this shit get over then i will see you

And she stomped out off the room while sid was scared because he knew his wild cat's angry

He went inside and got ready he went down and saw rits and Zain were already sitting at the sofa present on the stage

He also went and sat there

Outfits 👇

Outfits 👇

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