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Hey guys let's start

He said and took her hand in his and kiss her plam avu's eyes widen she quickly took her hands back

Avu : thanks (awkwardly )

Sid was getting jello by seeing this

Girl 1 : ok sir we are going

Sid nodded

They all left

Avu : sidoo i got a plan ( shouted)

Sid got shock due to sudden shout and fell down

Sid : ahh jezz you will kill me one day ( placing his hand on his chest)

Avu : hehe sorry

Avu help him to get up

Sid : so what's your plan

Avu :( kusr pusr kusr pusr kusr pusr  ) how is the plan

Sid : amazing but don't you think it's little risky

Avu : we don't have any choice

Sid : ok now come i am hungry ( pouted)

Avu clucked

They both sat down and have there lunch with little flirting and feeding each other

Now they both were done with there lunch

Both were sitting and talking with there friends telling them the plan

Ashi : di it's dangerous

Avu: Ashi i know we don't have any other option

Sum : avu are you sure means ( cut off)

Avu : i am sure

Every one sighed

Fasiu : ok as you say so when we will execute the plan

Avu : 2 days later

Jann : why

Avu : because Zain is planning his and my engagement after 1 week

Sid : what ( shock ) i will kill this Zain how dare he to think engagement with my avneet ( angry )

Avu : sid sid clam down i said i got this information this is not confirmed

Sid : but still

Avu : keep quiet

Sid : but ( cut off by avu's glare )

Avu : so guys you understood the plan

Others: yes

Avu : great will talk to you later

They cut the call

Avu : ok i am going will meet in night

Sid : byee ( sadly)

Avu kissed his forehead and said : byee and don't get siad we will meet at night na ok

Sid nodded

Avu left

At night

Sid reached home late due to some issues his shooting got late that is why

( They all were at Kaur mansion because they want to discuss the plan once more time )

Sid went to avu's room

And saw  her sitting on the bed working on laptop

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